School Fight

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Their was a staff meeting today so Marley had no idea how she was going to get home. Her problem was solved when Kitty walked up to her and offered her a ride home. Marley seeing no other option took Kitty's offer.

The car ride was quite for a while until Kitty decided to speak. ''You know I love you, right? I love you more then anything else and I would do anything to have you. I know your worried because your last relationship ended with Jake sleeping with a bunch of people but I'm not like that. Sure, I might be more of a Gaga then a Katty but that doesn't mean that I'm going to cheat on you. All, I need is one chance and I promise I won't blow it.'' Kitty said with a soft loving voice that was only reserved for Marley.

''I'm sorry but I really don't want to be in a reltionship right now.'' Marley said apologeticly.

''I hope you know how much I love you.'' Kitty says stopping infront of Marley's house and getting out to open the car door for Marley.

''Thankyou.'' Marley said getting out. It was getting cold outside so Kitty toke off her jacket and put it on Marley and walks Marley to her front door. Once, they get to the front door Marley hands Kitty her jacket back.

''Keep it, it looks better on you then it ever did on me.'' Kitty says handing Marley her jacket back. ''Are you sure?'' Marley asks softly and Kitty just nods.

Kitty was in the school cafteria the next day when she heard something that made her blood boil.

''So, I heard there was this place for endangered species. You can go there as a person who is fully blown up. I know for a fact that people as fat as you are considered endangered.'' One of the jocks says to Marley's mom.

''Please, don't talk to my mom like that.'' Marley says in a sad voice.

''You could probably go to the endangered species place and say your a beyond the wall fat person to.'' The jock says in a jerring tone.

''That's enough. Never talk to either of them like that ever again.'' Kitty says in her HBIC tone.

''Or, what Wilde?'' The jock says in a treatining tone.

''Or, this.' Kitty says and starts to attack the jock until the jock is laying down on his back on the ground and once the jock is on the ground Kitty continuously punches the jock in the face as hard as she can not stopping until Mr.Shue pulls her away from him. When Mr.Shue finally managed to get Kitty off of the jock Kitty sees the jock on the ground and relizes that the guy is passed out with blood all over his face.

So the story ended with a fuming Kitty. Should I devote a chapter on what happenes to the jock?

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