What He Never Expected

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*Coopers P.O.V*
Her answer was something I never expected. "I'm scared to go home because my dad drinks and he beats me...". I look down at her. Her eyes are glazed over like freshly cut glass like she's about to cry.
"Why? Why would he hurt you?". "Like I said, he drinks." "Why?" I ask starting to feel a little protective. "My mom...she had cancer and she died last month." She says as a tear rolls down her face. I wanted to just...hug her. And protect her from everything. Everyone. Every hurt. Every word. Every bad thought. But you can't do that can you?

*Olivias P.O.V*
He hugged me like his life depended on it, you made me feel safe, like nothing could hurt me."Thanks, I needed that" I say backing away smiling. "No problem Oli" he gives me his heart shattering smile. Oh god how can you not love that smi-wait...no! Don't fall in love with him!
"I should probably head home"I say looking down moving hair out of my face. "Oh...okay..." he said. I looked up and he looked sad...sad about what? I don't know.
"Bye Cooper! See you tomorrow!"I then run home.

*Coopers P.O.V*
She ran away. I felt lonely without her. So very lonely. 'Please don't leave me like the other girls' I thought as I got in my car and drove home
God how can't you fall in love with that girl

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