It's a mermaids story

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When I was young I was always thought about how it would be to be a mermaid. Now I am one. Why? Well I'm gonna tell you the whole story.

Monday 3 April 2005

I don't remember a lot of this day, but I will tell you the things I do remember.

I was playing with my dolls, when my big sister shouted we were going to eat. We ate.. Emmh.. oh ya! We ate pancakes! How could I forget that. Well, so we ate pancakes and when we were finished eating, me and my big sister were going outside. We lived near by a really big lake with a forest, so we were going to the lake. I think it was around half past eight, and we were still at the lake. I remember one thing very good: I asked to my sister (just for info, she is called Emma) if we could ask mom, if we could pick up the tent and put it on, to sleep near the lake that night. My sis thought I would be fun ( I was 7, she was 9). So we asked mom, she said it was okay! I was quite happy, and Emma also had a smile on her face.

We put up the tent, and blow up the airbed. We actually didn't sleep much, it was such a fun night, but also quite weird. I guess it was around twelve when I had to go to the toilet, I didn't want to walk home, so I was going in the forest. When I came walking back I saw something really weird, the water in the lake was light blue and there were a lot of bubbles in their.


Hey, This is just a writers comment. Do you please want to leave some comments?


~ Selenator

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