The water

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I walked to the place, where the water did weird. I guess there was a little stone or something, cause I fell into the water. I wanted to came out of the water as fast as possible, but I couldn't, I was stuck in the water. It wasn't that far from the tent, so I shouted for Emma. Luckily Emma heard me and came running toward me. She pulled me, but I didn't work. She pulled another time, it didn't work again.

'Emma, what is gonna happen with me?, what if I am stuck for ever?'. Emma answered the question, as friendly as possible and she gave me hope. Emma pulled with all her force and she got me out of the water! But there was something weird with my legs, it felt like they were stuck together. When I was out of the water, I saw the reason of my feelings. I had a tail! A long beautiful mermaid tail. Emma and I stared with an opened mouth. From that moment, I also felt cold. Then I saw I didn't had my clothes on anymore. I had a top, just like a mermaid, and my hair was glinstering in the moonlight. Emma stood up and looked very good at me, her mouth opended but nothing came out of her mouth. She couldn't say anything. 'Yeah, I know', that was what I said, cause I knew what she wanted to say. I just said there on land, and felt dry, it felt like I was drying out. I jumped into the water. Emma was still quiet and looked at me. When I swom a circle around the lake, Emma was gone. She went to the tent. I just got out of the water and I was suprised with what happend. I just had legs again. I run to the tent, exactly at the same time Emma came out of the tent. She stared at me, and then she ran towards me and hugged me. 'I thought you could never be a human again!' she said happily. I smiled, but was also a kind of dissapointed. A few years ago, I always had big dreams of being a mermaid, and now I have been one!

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