Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Talk about George Washington

“What?” Jen yelled.

Danielle continued to talk, ignoring Jen’s question.

“I mean, I just can’t figure it out. You two are just two thirteen year old girls that come from a little town, going to an average school. I still can’t see anything special about you.”  

“It either I am totally lost or you have no idea what you are saying” Jen stated in a puzzled look on her face.

"The boss keeps saying you girls are the only one that can save the world. But that is clearly impossible; you have no training or one clue what is going on." She babbled on.

“It’s nice of you to notice we have not the slightest clue what you are talking about" Jen murmured loud enough for Danielle to hear.

“Oh, right..... Sorry. You girls must be very confused right now. You know it's not everyday you walk into somebody's house and they start talking about you saving the world" Danielle said.

Jen wasn't sure if that was supposed to be joke but it wasn't funny. If Danielle was trying to make them less confused or calm them down, it wasn't working.

Danielle continued when she saw that both girls weren't laughing.

“As you know George Washington was a very great person in the history of the America. He was the first president. But even though he was a famous person when he grew up, his childhood wasn't that great".

For the first time since they arrived Maria finally spoke.

“Wait, what does George Washington has to do with any of this? And who is The Boss? What does this have to do with us?" She started to ask.

She would have continued on if Danielle hasn’t interrupted her.

“I am getting to that. As I was saying George Washington childhood wasn't so great. When he was little he had no friends. He had absolutely no one to talk to, especially after his mom died."

“I ask again, what does this have to do with us?" Maria said with bored tone she already knew all these things.

Danielle kept talking, ignoring Maria's question. “As you know huge storms and hurricane has been going on all over the world".

"No! I don't know that, I hate listening to the news!" Maria exclaimed.

“Speak for yourself, Maria. I heard that in the news this morning." Jen said.

“If this keeps happening it can destroy the whole world. But there is only one thing that can stop it, a ring and a lesson. Those two things are with George Washington" Danielle explained

“Since George Washington died decades ago, that's too bad. Well, while you and your other friends who believe this fantasy moan over that, Jen and I have better and more important things to do. Bye now" Maria said as she headed for the door.

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