Chpater 9

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Well last chapter of the but befor epilouge:'( Enjoy. Hoped u love this story. Vote...Comment...Like. Thxs

Chapter 9: Friendships are important

       As they entered into his home, Jen took a good look around. It had tables with candles on it, chairs, fireplace and portraits. Well, it's is where Maria and I would be living till he gives us the ring and the lesson.

"Have a sit please" George said kindly

Jen and Maria sat on the chairs that were closer to them. After walking a long way with these annoying shoes, the last thing they needed was to walk some more. Grove drew a chair to where they were and rested his head on his chin.

"So...... since we are talking about friendships, how long have you guys been friends" George said trying to lighten everyone.

Maria shrugged "About one year...... I think" she said looking over to Jen for help.

Jen nodded confirming her statement.

"That's nice, it very nice having a friend right?" George asked curiously

"Yes it is Maria is always there for me. It's nice knowing that you can always have a friends that will help you always and would always stand by you no matter what the situation is" Jen said.

Maria was surprised, Jen never said those things before. She felt happy tears building up in her eyes, threatening to fall. She blinked them away quickly before anyone could see them.

“I know how it feels to have a friend" George said in a whisper almost like he was talking to himself. “I use to have lots of friends before when I was little, I was so popular back in the days. But as time went by, I had fewer friends. They either moved away or decided not to talk to me anymore." He continued.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" Maria stammered not knowing what to say.

George just nodded and looked up at them.

"Let me give you a lesson about friends." He said seriously.

A lesson!! Yes, this is what we need, Jen thought.

"Go on" Maria said eagerly. Jen could tell Maria was thinking the same thing that she was thinking.

"You may think you don’t need friends but you do. They make you happy and they are always there for you. Life without them is boring, friends take you on adventure and help you realize things you never imagine" Washington said, looking at them as he said it.

     Jen and Maria exhaled sharply, that was what they were looking for. The lesson that would save the world, save them, save their own friendship.

   George stood up and went to the cabinet that was behind him, he opened the last drawer and took out something out of it. Jen strained her neck to get a glimpse of what it is.

George turned around and then held up what he was holding, it was two rings that were brown.

“I am going to give the two of you these rings, it will be a symbol of your friendship. That no matter where you are even though you are far away from each other, that your friendship will keep you together. This ring will also remind you of the trip that you took here from the future to save the world” he said with a smile as he handed them each a ring.

Jen and Maria stared at him with mouth opened, he knew all this time that they were from the future.

“How did you know?” Maria asked surprised.

“Some things are better off a mystery” he said still smiling widely.

“So this is what we need in order to save the world?” Maria asked.

“Yes, know you must hurry and leave girls. I will miss you both greatly, you guys were close to a friend to me” he replied.

“Wait but we don't know how to get back home the device that we used to come is not with us” Jen said confused.

“That’s because I have it, the device came to me so that I will be able to find you guys. Now just set the time in 2024 and you will be back where you left. ” George replied as he handed Jen the device.

Jen took the device and faced George Washington “I will never forget about you, you will always be a friend to me” she said seriously.

George Washington nodded and smiled “I won't forget about you either and don’t worry I wont tell anyone about this. This will be the secret between us that will hold our friendship” he said to Maria and Jen.

Jen took the device handle and turned it to 2024. The wind blew harder and harder, and then everything was still.

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