Chapter 19

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The world between worlds' deafening silence cued me to roar as loud as I possibly could, simultaneously spraying the colorless trees and rocks around me with molten hot lava. Snapping open my black wings, I beat them as fast as I could to set the forest ablaze. In seconds, the whole area was engulfed in flames, and I simply walked through the falling trees. Smoke billowed up from the burning forest and I continued to level everything in my wake. When I was depleted of my strength and fire, I collapsed and cried for hours until my eyes closed.

"Excuse me?" The gravel voice was unsure as a hand accompanied the question.

Gripping the wrist, I swiftly maneuvered around and underneath the outstretched arm. The force of my action threw the man to the ground in front of me. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!" I bared my fangs and the scared blue eyes struck me with incredible innocence. Immediately, I cowered back on all fours. "I'm sorry."

The man dusted his long trench coat off, and he muttered. "It's alright. I shouldn't've scared you like that. Obviously, you've been here a while too."

"Sort of."

"Why are you in Purgatory?"

"Blowing off steam." I shrugged. "I promised my friends that I would try to kill less people."

"You have friends?"

I snorted at the black haired man's question.

"Sorry, that was insensitive. Of course you have friends, you are very pretty. I meant where are they?"

My eyes narrowed in skepticism. "What are you?"

The man looked baffled, and then looked at himself, and shrugged. "I'm an angel?"

"Are you, or are you not?"

"I am." He shrugged. "A lot has happened on Earth and Heaven."

"And Hell." I growled with a rusty taste in my mouth.

"You've been there? Have you seen any humans there recently? Namely a man, about this tall, light brown hair, bright eyes, jeans, t-shirt, a casual button down, and boots?"

"Wow," I could not help but marvel at the angel's attention to detail. "Is he your boyfriend?" I snickered and the angel blushed.

"He's more like family."

"Okay." I nodded, not believing a word the silly thing said. "Sorry, but no such guy like that in Hell." The description stuck in my head and I thought of what a complete coincidence it would be, after all, the world was a small place. "Does he always look like he's angry or constipated?"

The angel's brow furrowed. "No, he has a very nice smile and always seems to be listening intently."

"Right, Angel Face. You sure he's not your boyfriend?"

"Dean's family."

"Dean?" My eyes widened. Coincidence? I think not. "DEAN FUCKING WINCHESTER?!"

"I don't think that's his middle name."


"I'm Castiel. Do you know the Winchesters?"

"Bloody fuckin' H, I do!"

"Where's Sam?"

I went silent.

"Oh." Castiel looked around for any Leviathans that might have tried to creep up on us. "I've been looking for Dean in here, but Purgatory is rather endless."

"You know he's here for sure?"

"If he's not in Hell then yes he's got to be here. We need to split up."

"Touché." I came closer to Castiel.

"You're a dragon?" Castiel finally pointed out the obvious; I guessed that angels came across all sorts of things.


"Oh and human?"




"Giloth, Crowley's daughter?"

With the back of my hand, I wiped my nose and sniffed. "That's me."

"Giloth, why wouldn't Sam be looking for Dean?"

"Sam's topside with Amelia."


"His...girlfriend." I hissed, and Castiel looked horrified. "I know. He isn't even trying to look for Dean."

"I heard the demons killed him."

"I started that lie." A half smile pulled at my lips.

"You're a good monster, Giloth."

"Yep. A good monster." I laughed, and Castiel stuttered to cover up how bad that sounded. "Nah, Castiel, you're right. I'm a monster, but I can be good...sometimes."

"The Winchesters seemed to think highly of you."

"They spoke about me?" My head rose up with hope.

"Yes. Dean particularly; Sam would tell him to shut up whenever Dean would crack a joke. Often times I don't understand jokes, but Dean said you would have laughed if you were there."

"That son of a bitch." I smirked. "I'm sure he's around here somewhere. Let's go find him." My wings snapped open. Castiel nodded, opened his dark war-torn feathers, and we took to the skies.

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