Chapter 21

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When I awoke, an angel was examining my wings. "How do I look, doc?"

She came over to the head of the table where I was lying stomach down. "You're only alive because we heard Castiel pleading for your life."

"Blimey, I guess angel radio is reliable." I folded my wings and struggled to roll over and sit up. "He must have made quite a deal with you--

"Naomi." Her greeting was cold.

"Yeh, I'm sure I Moan."

The angel's eyes narrowed.

"You know, Naomi spelt backwards? I Moan? Ha. Ha?" I shrugged and move off the examination table. "Wow, well whatever you chickens juiced me up with is nice." Walking was easy and did not feel like I was dragging around dead weight.

"Synthetic virgin blood." Naomi eyed me like an experiment.

"What's on your mind, Moany?"

"How does it feel knowing you're damned?" There was no humor in her words, but I laughed anyways.

"Have you ever fucked with a dragon?" I took a step nearer to her. "Wait, how rude of me! I should rephrase that; my father taught me manners, I swear." I cleared my throat. "Have you ever fucked?" My wings and tail blocked her into the corner of the white walled room. Threatening her was my only way out of the room. I could smell the adamant spirit inside her. Angels were loyal to a fault. She would not release a dragon back into the world--not willingly at least.

She remained stoic.

"Any desire to dirty those wings, Sweetheart?"

The pull of an angel blade from her coat signaled me to take a step back.

I smirked, sat on the examination table, and folded my scaled hands behind my back. "So, can I do you? Oops, I mean what can I do for you?"

"Heaven has never been invaded by a dragon."

"Always a first." I licked my lips with my long, forked tongue.

"Yes, I suppose so. Thus, we've decided to detain you here to learn more about your breed."



"I'm afraid I won't be able to fully help you there."

"I don't see how you wouldn't be able to."

"I'm only half dragon." I whispered and she stepped closer.

"And the other half?"

"Demon." I smirked and slapped the palm of my slightly cut hand against a small sigil I had been scraping into the examination table. The angel froze in place, her blade pointing at me. I pulsed my dark eyebrows mischievously at the eyes that followed me. Briefly checking my hand, I confirmed the powers of synthetic virgin-whatever the Hell that was. The cut in my palm had fully healed and I grinned. "What a trick you've got there."

Walking around the angel, I could not help my childish self. Grabbing her pants by the belt, I yanked the suit pants up until I heard them tear, and a groan of pain escaped the paralyzed angel. "That, I Moan, is called a weggie. A wonderful prank human children play upon each other. Ta!" I giggled and used liquid fire to conjure a traveling rune.

As soon as I passed through the gelatinous fire, I heard the angel shriek and throw the examination table across the room.

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