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February 16, 2014

Date: Saturday, February 16 2014 02:31:21am

Subject: dunno

From: optimistic_illusion@icloud.com

To: gooniesforeva@gmail.com

I don't know if you'll ever read this, but there are a few things I have to tell you right now that just can't wait for “if” or “when”.

I'm sorry I doubted you. You have your reasons for considering to leave me behind while you go off on your adventures. I shouldn't have left you on your own, especially after what I went through when I was alone. I felt betrayed. And now I betrayed you.

I'm staying at Jean's house because mine is currently empty. Mom ran out on me. Karma can be such a bitch.

I miss you. I miss you so much. I've seen The Goonies approximately 21 times since I came back to town. I'll continue to watch it from start to finish until I see you again.

This bit of news irritates me to no end (for obvious reasons), but I figured you had a right to know; Andy asked me about you (maybe you should come back just to help me spite her).

Lastly, but more importantly, I love you.

PS: bring back my son asap.


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