4 || Treat

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"I must go, I'll see you soon ________." I waved good bye to Mathew and plopped down on my bed. Today was exhausting, meeting so many people at the same time. At least there were like three people that can understand me. I hope I can be more open to them. With the smells of lavender and vanilla, I fell asleep.


It's early in the morning, Arthur was so kind to give me spare clothes. But they were boyish but I didn't mind. Now I'm at this huge table where everyone sat. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as I felt eyes looking at me.

"Ok! Let's decide what we should do with the dudette! Since I'm the hero, she should be with me." Alfred, the loud American yelled. I covered my ears more than I can count and wondered how did I get into this mess.

"Stop yelling or else your going to burst ______'s ear drums." Arthur smacked Alfred the back of his head.

"Vell, ve should let ze frau decide." Ludwig spoke the most reasonable solution.

"Yes, aru."

"Alright. It seems zat everyone agrees." Ludwig glanced at me, making me flinch.

"I trust zat jou'll endure vhat's going to happen." I didn't know what he meant so I just nodded.

"Ok! Plan take action! 'Show the dudette the best day ever'!"

"That's not a plan you wanker but I agree." Everyone agreed also. Dragging me to somewhere I never thought I'd ever be going to.

Time Skip

"Welcome to Mall of America!" I stared in awe at the huge building filled with stores. It's my first time at a mall.

"________? Is it your first time at a mall?" I tuned out of my world and looked at Arthur with a nod.

For a second I saw him frown but smiled. "This will be a good experience for you then."

I nodded and looked around. There was this one store that caught my eyes and it was Hot Topic. I walked inside and saw many items that looked like characters. Not knowing what they were I just grabbed some that interests me. (Some shirt), (complimenting pants/shorts), (nice shoes).

"Is that what you want, __________-San?" I turned and saw the same Japanese man from yesterday.

"K-Kiku?" I questioned softly, he nodded and took the items.

"Hai, ret us pay for it." Since I had no money I complied. Using the restroom outside the store I changed into the new clothing. It's been a while since I had brand new clothes but they were a little big on me, it will do.

"You look better than before, ________. Oui." Francis complimented me, making me blush and look down.

"Ok gang, the most important place we need to go is the food court. Let's go!" Most of the group grumbled but followed Alfred.

At the food court were a lot of restaurants. My eyes sparkled at the sight. "________, what do you want, aru?" I turned to Yao then pointed to (random food vendor). I saw him grimaced but nodded and walked over there. I followed.

The line was long but it was worth it when I got my desired food. I turned to Yao.

"Xié xié..." Yao's eyes widened then smiled.

" No problem, aru! Let's meet back with the others." I nodded as Yao grabbed my hand, making me flinch at contact but went along.

Alfred got more burgers, Arthur had tea, Francis with... wine? Ivan got something that look like dumplings, polkshka? Feliciano got pasta, Ludwig with sausages, and Japan had a bento. Everyone had something different, very diverse.

"We're back, aru! ______ got (food) and I got Panda Express, aru." I nodded as everyone said their hellos.

"Isn't that mi amigo?" I heard a cheerful voice ring out loud from the many voices in the area. Francis looked around then started waving to two guys.

"Oui, come meet this belle fille." Guys came over, one with chocolate brown hair and one with silver. The one with brown hair was tanned and wore a brown uniform while the other had red eyes and wore a blue one with a cross.

"Hola, my names Antonio Fernandez Carriedo! You can call me Toni for short." The man supposedly Antonio jumped up and embraced me, making me shriek.

"EEK!" I fell down and tried to get out of his grip. Running behind Arthur and staring at Antonio, realizing I caused a commotion.

"Kesesese, jou scared ze frau shtless." Behind me was a disoriented laugh and the same German accent as Ludwig.

"I'm ze awezome Gilbert, Ludvig's older bruder and zis is Gilbird." He pointed to a yellow bird beside him.

"Piyo!" It flew over to me. I held out my hand and it landed on my palm. It chirped again as I stroked its tiny head and back.

"Kesese, ze awezome Gilbird like jou." Gilbird flew back to Gilbert's shoulder to my dismay.

Animals were the only living being I can relate to easily, they were my friends. "Thank you for taking me here. I can't repay you though." I said softly with my head down.

Then I felt a hand holding my shoulder, making me run behind the nearest person which was Arthur.

"Don't scare her, Alfred. ___________, you didn't stutter this time." I looked at Arthur weirdly.

"When we first had our conversation, you were a stuttering mess. But now, you can at least talk properly." He placed a hand on my head while I nodded.

"A-As much as I-I want to stay w-with you, I-I'll be more comfortable i-in the building." Arthur nodded. "You can have a spare room there."

"Thank you"

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