5 || Fight

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"Don't spook her Alfred. ___________, you didn't stutter this time." I looked at Arthur weirdly. "When we first had our conversation, you were a stuttering mess. But now, you can at least talk properly." He placed a hand on my head while I nodded. "A-As much as I-I want to stay w-with you, I-I'll be more comfortable i-in the building." Arthur nodded. "You can have a spare room there."

"Thank you"


I've stayed in the World Building I have soon found out. Everyone has been so kind to me, my wounds have healed nicely. Some of them are trying to teach me self defense. Courtesy of BTT, they wanted to train me this time.

"Oui, mon cheri? I'm going to walk behind you like a drunk person and see how you react." I nodded and turned around. I can hear his footsteps ring in my ears like thunder.

Knowing it was Francis I relaxed but when I felt a hand on my shoulder I froze.


I sat on the floor doing nothing but stare at a wall. Nothing to do but get beatings from Dad.

Letting my mind wonder into La La Land, a hand pushed into my shoulder.

"It's time!" A well known low gruff voice was said behind me. Dad shoved me to the side and grabbed my hair making me shriek. "Stop! Please!"

"Not today bitch!" He threw me and I felt a sharp and burning sensation on my head and side. Then something trickled over the side of my head. Blood.

The mirror I slouched next to shattered under the force. Bits and shards were lodged into my body.

It was painful. I weakly looked up to see him holding a beer bottle. "Sweet nightmares." Then everything went black.


I crouched and hugged my knees into my chest. Trembling over the thought that my father has come for me. A sigh resonated behind me until something gently was wrapped around my form.

"He isn't going to come for you. You're safe now, mon cheri." I heard Francis coo in my ear.

"Zat's right, frau. Jou're safe wiz us." Gilbert said. I looked up at him.

"Si, ________. No need to worry!" Antonio cheered. I felt safer now and now I'm sure I'm going to be alright.


I sat on a couch while watching T.V in the world building minding my own business. Just as a commercial came on the door bursts open. The BTT tripped in; Gilbert tripped over his two feet.

" Nous sommes à la maison, chienne!" Francis exclaimed as he stepped on Gilbert.

"Hey, hey, es la chica especial." (Hey, hey, it's the special girl.) Antonio walked up and grabbed me by my shirt collar.

"I don't know why you're still here..." he muttered under his breath with a dark glint in his eye.

"P-Please let go, A-Antonio." I begged, terrified of this new behavior. His breath stank of alcohol. Just like Dad.

"As you wish, puta." He threw me against a wall, knocking the air out of my lungs. I gasped.

'That's not Antonio... He's like my father'.

I lifted my head, only to be forced on the ground again. "Scheibe should stay on ze ground." Gilbert drilled his boot on my head. My head pounded in pain.

"Oh~? Chienne is in pain." A hand grabbed a fist full of my hair. Painfully lifting me up to see Francis's face dark and evil.

"Let moi help you with that." In a swift motion. He raised his hand up and came down like a lightning bolt. A large red bruise formed on my right cheek. Stinging.

I sat emotionless on the ground as the BTT's laughs echoed in my head. They told me that everything will be ok. They lied.

Adrenaline soared in my body. Making me stand up in rage and run out the door. What's the point of staying with liars.

-Francis's POV-

Aw, the girl left us. We stared at the door where she left our sights. Isn't it freezing outside?

"Kesesese. She'll come back." My friend Gilbert laughed. Obviously drunk but who am I to blame.

"Yo! Francis! Why's the door open and where's the dudette?" An all too familiar American barged through the door with McDonald's again.

"You mean the schienne?" I questioned, pointing out the door. Alfred's eyes widened and froze. I looked at him confusingly, slightly swaying.

-Alfred's POV-

Where did I hear that from again?




That asshole.

I dropped my McDonald's and punched Francis across the room. "Asshole! ________ is still recovering from her abusive past! And now you beat her!? On top of that, called her a bitch!"

I breathed heavily. "Woah, zere is no need to be violent." I glared at Gilbert and punched him too, even if he is my friend.

"I care about _______! You three had the guts to drink till you're drunk off your asses!" Gilbert let out a painful moan as he holds his nose that was bleeding.

"Calm down, mi amigo." Antonio coached while backing away. I turned to look for ______ not before slapping Antonio.

"I have no time to deal with you jerks. I hope you realize what you've done." Pulling out my phone as I searched the streets.

'_________, please be ok'. I thought in my head as I called everyone.

"__________ has ran because of the BTT and I want everyone to search for her!" I yelled at the phone, not caring if I kill anyone's ear drums.

"Love, is gone!?"

"Aiya! BTT is always causing trouble, aru."

"I must find my sunflower."

"Ve!? Mi poor bella!"

"Ve'll search along wiz a small search party."

"Arigatou, Alfred. For giving us this news."

Satisfied with the responses I got, I turned off my phone. ______ shouldn't have gone far. 'Be safe'.

Savior ||Hetalia x abused! Reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now