Self pity

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    "Baby please , this just won't work out . We should see different people , I already have and I'm tired of messing around behind your back but I'm done Robyn ". Jermaine shoved his last shirt in his suit case and looked at his shell shocked ex .

" Jermaine please don't do this , please , plea-" Robyn voice cracked as she felt her vision get blurry .   Jermaine sighed heavily trying to walk past Robyn , out of her apartment and life .

She grabbed ahold of his arm searching his face still not believing what was going on , just last night he kissed her lips tenderly and told her he loved her and now it's over ?

"Jermaine , what did I do ?!? Tell me and I'll change , I'll fix it " she pleaded while gripping his arm tighter .

" Robyn you don't satisfy me , I've been unsatisfied for two years sexually and emotionally , I love you I really do but I can't do this anymore " .

He kissed her on the cheek " I'm sorry " .

Robyn's fingers slid off his arm as he walked past her  . She slumped to the floor and cried as she heard her condo door slam shut .

How ?

Two years over just like that .


I woke up with a throbbing headache , i unconsciously reached out to the other side of the bed looking for Jermaine's board shoulders but nothing was there .

It had been two weeks and I've locked myself in my house , my phone has over a hundred messages and I'm  was sure my boss was going to fire me if i decided to go back to work . Being a highly liked attorney in New York had its perks but being gone for two weeks and dropping my clients might just be the breaking point . I made a metal note to call my boss and say that there was a death in the family and I was too distress to call while i was out the country in Barbados .

As I hopped out the shower my cellphone was ringing in my bed sheets . It was Melissa
My soul mate in friendship and best friend . I sighed before picking it up .

"Robyn what the fuck ?!? , you've been m.i. a for weeks and I heard that you and Jermaine broke up ?

I cut her off before she could go any farther  , "yes it's true , we've been broken up for two weeks now and I don't know what I did and I still can't bel-" . My voice cracked as I tired to stop myself from crying .

" Girl fuck Jermaine " she said trying to comfort me " "We have to get you to the club , a couple of drinks and guys giving you sleazy comments will have you feeling sexy and cheer you right up ".

I didn't even try to fight her request as she told me which club and when she was going to pick me up.


Mel banged on my door and when I opened it she was wearing a tight deep matte purple dress and sliver pumps , her face packed with dark makeup and her 22 inches of bone straight weave . She looked at me disappointed "Rob what the fuck  ,why aren't you dressed ?!? , she asked me looking at my pajamas . " ladies get in free at 11:00 , and you haven't even picked out your outfit ". I moved out of the way as she huffed past me and into my room and straight to my closet . A few minutes later she came out with a tight short red dress that I forgot even existed and long black pumps .

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