Sweeter Man

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Funny thing about being nice to someone is that they think that they can do whatever they want because they know you'll forgive them.

I looked at Amanda's stunned face as I walked past her and towards the elevator . When I slammed Robyn's office door she literally jumped out her sit . I clicked the first floor button and stuffed my hands in my pockets . Robyn's face being kissed by that man flashed into my mind , she looked like she didn't want to but her eyes said something else .

I have no right to be angry but I am . I felt a little queasy as I left the firm building wondering where the hell I was gonna go . Im not the clingy type nor have I ever been jealous type either , i know women who would do anything I ask and wish I'd return their call but sometimes I bump into a woman who makes me only pay attention to her .

I decided to stop being childish after wondering around the city for 30 min and 2 hot dogs later I walked back to the firm .
I walked towards Robyn's office , the door was slightly ajar . I didn't knock as I pushed the door open . Her head shot up , a worried expression on her pretty face .

"Aubrey about what hap-".

"I don't care , so you don't have to explain nothing Robyn . Let's just do what we can today with the case ".

Robyn pressed her plump lips together " ok".

The sound of paper and pen was the only sound in the office , with an occasional yawn from one of us . I finished my last section analyzing the Forbes case and put the folder on the desk , the sun was setting and darkness was creeping in the office . I felt silly not talking to Robyn just because my little crush on her maybe me overreact about what happened .

Robyn is stunning but I barley know her . We've had sex but from just the little time we've spent not having sex I feel like she might have more to offer . I looked at her focusing as she read , pressing the pen on her full bottom lip .

I stared at her for a minute before I called her name . "Robyn ".

Her hazel eyes looked at me slightly annoyed . I couldn't help but smile . " you're not mad are you "? . She rolled her eyes but a smile curled on her lips . "No but I just found out you have a huge attitude problem ". I looked at her " no I don't " I said laughing . She smiled back at me and I looked at her lips wanting to kiss her . I walked slowly over to her and cupped her jaw in my hands , her eyes scanned my face and landed on my lips , I lowered my head down while she closed her eyes anticipating for my kiss.  I rubbed my thumb back and fourth on her lip smudging her red lipstick . Her eyes fluttered open , she playing pushed me off her smiling "you're so childish ".

"I had to clean your lips before I kissed you ".
She rolled her eyes laughing "whatever , let's get out of here .


I caressed Robyn's smooth legs as she popped popcorn in her mouth , a girl was getting stabbed to death on the tv screen as my had creeped up her thick thighs .  She gave me a mischievous look "Aubrey you said you wanted to watch a movie so let's watch " she stood up and her ass looked perfect in her boy shorts . I adjusted myself and decided to get out of my suit , she came back and seeing my lack of cloths threw popcorn at me. "Don't even think about it Aubrey " she said sitting down
.  I smirked at her I'm not doin anything , I pulled her closer as a commercial about diapers flashed on the tv .  She gave me a gentle look and kiss my lips quickly , as her lightly touched my beard . My stomached shifted by her sweetness , the smell of her perfume and her lack of clothes made me want to pick her up and throw her on her bed .

I kissed her back , taking in all her features . Her Cupid's bow the tiny scar in her left lip , the tattoo on her neck . "Robyn do you think whatever we are doing is going to become something more ?" .

She looked taken back .
"I really don't know " she broke our eye contact and shifted slightly away from me , a sense of panic seemed to take over her . 
"I mean , I know you just got out of a relationship but do you ever think of me when you don't want to have sex ". She looked back at me nervously . " I like you Aubrey , you're a good guy but if I'm being honest with you a relationship is the farthest thing from my mind". 

"Do you still love him ?" I asked coldly  She looked surprised by my tone . Why the fuck did I just ask that ????.  "Actually you don't have to tell me ".

I looked at the tv as the helpless woman pounded on the door for help .  Robyn didn't answer the question but I could feel her eyes on me .

"Aubrey , I consider you like my therapist , every time I see you , you make me feel good about myself . That might sound corny but I'm scared of getting into a relationship , giving my all to a man then he leaves me for someone he barley knows . I suck at lo-

"But I wouldn't do that to you " I said cutting her off . Robyn I don't do relationships but I'm willing to be with you , I like you too but it's more then that I don't want us to be fuck buddies I hate sharing what I consider is mine ."

"Aubrey " she said gently .

I mean it Robyn , I'll be the sweetest man you'll ever know if you just trust me .

She bit her lip nervously . "Aubrey I can't get into a relationship with you if I still have feelings for someone else ".

I understand I said defeatedly . She grabbed my lips and gave me a playful kiss . "We good ?" She asked searching my face .

"Yea we good ". I said

She looked content with my answer and cuddled closer to me. I really wanted to say don't cuddle with me , kiss me out of nowhere , don't be affectionate with the way you touch me so I can kill these feelings while they're still young .

But I didn't I pulled her in a little bit closer and watched her eyes crinkle up as she laughed when the dumb blonde finally died .

An hour later I woke up to a lady trying to convince me to buy the latest microwave in the market . Robyn's head laid on my chest , she  snored softly as a puddle of drool collected on my shirt . I turned off the tv , standing up I picked her and  slowly walked to her bed room , I kicked the door open and walked in the room that smelled like her sweet perfume . I put her down softly and looked around the messy room , bras and thongs scattered on the floor with family pictures on her way along with her diplomas .  I turned to leave but Robyn shifted and her drowsy voice called out to me . "Aubrey stay with me " .

"I don't think I should Robyn ".

"Stop being a bitch and get in the bed , I hate sleeping alone ".  I did as she said and took off my suit pants and undershirt and got into the bed . The cold covers felt good on my skin , Robyn's warm body quickly found mine and she wrapped her slender arms around my torso .

"God you smell so good and feel amazing " her drowsy voice was turning me on as her full breasts pressed into my chest . I ran my hands on the curve of her hips to her waist trying to not to creep my hands up her shirt and cupped her breast . I gave her a kiss instead .

"Go to sleep we have a lot to do for the Forbes case tomorrow ".

She opened her eyes ajar and smiled at me . "You're such a nice guy ".

Yea I know I said as I watched her fall back asleep .

That's my problem .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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