So Worrisome

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Before Feliks bothered to look up, he had really just thought that Toris had gotten taller; a lot taller. "Now I won't, like, be totally bored anymore..." He cheered, voice trailing off towards the end of the sentence.

Feliks instantly and awkwardly pulled away from who was supposed to be Toris, his valley girl sass just about to kick in, but Ivan's words warded it away. "Ah, Hullo, Feliks!" He happily greeted, unaware that Feliks was completely dumbfounded by his presence.

"Why... uh... where's Toris?" The blonde asked, his emerald eyed flickering around to spot Toris anywhere.

Popping his head out from behind Ivan, Toris piped up with, "I'm right here!"

Feliks nodded, stepping back into his house. "Like, come in?" He offered, a hint of question in his voice, unsure of he should really invite the scariest nation in existence into his home.

As questions were on the tip of Feliks' tongue, Ivan walked through the doorway, while Toris stayed at the doorstep. Once he had seen that Ivan had wandered into a side room, Toris timidly took a step into the other's house, beginning to explain frantically. "I am so sorry Feliks. He came into my room as I was getting ready and scared the truth out of me! I tried to tell him not to come, but he obviously didn't get message... There's only one good part of the story and that's that I don't think he knows this is supposed to be a sleepover." Toris paused and took a breath, glancing at his wristwatch. "He'll leave around six o'clock. I'll have to leave with him, but I'll be back about ten minutes after I leave... And don't worry, I'll get the other Baltics to cover for me."

As Toris took a deep breath, Feliks slowly started to smile as he thought about the other's word choice--don't worry--when he himself was the only one worried about anything. "It's, like, totally fine Liet. But there's absolutely no way we're watching Mean Girls with that creep here." Feliks stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

In return, Toris gave a relieved smile. "Oh, good."

From the other room, the two smaller nations heard Ivan call out, "You two are coming with me, da?"

As Feliks replied, "Yeah, just like, one second." Toris jumped slightly out of fear from suddenly hearing Ivan's intimidatingly calm voice. Lowering his voice again, the Pole nudged his best friend and asked rhetorically, "Jeez, like, jumpy much?"

Toris nervously chuckled and began to walk into the side room that Ivan had wandered into. Stopping at the doorway, the light brunette-haired Lithuanian turned to look into Feliks' shiny, emerald eyes with his own ocean-blues. "Oh, and you should probably put away the traditional supplies before Ivan has a chance to see them," Toris suggested, right afterwards stepping through the doorway.

With that thought, Feliks eagerly bolted to his living room, where all of the supplies were laid there just a couple minutes earlier.

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