Board Games

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After the supplies had been all cleaned up, hidden, and practically no sign that anything sleepover-worthy had been there in the first place,  Feliks rushed to the room where Toris was nervously and reluctantly conversing with the intimidating Russian.

"Ah, so, um..." 

Luckily for Feliks, he didn't have to think much on what to say, as his board games were stored in that very room. "How about we play, like, a board game or something?"

Desperate to stop having to talk with Ivan, Toris instantly nodded his head. "Taip, that sounds like fun..!"

Ivan nodded contently, smiling his usual adorable yet terrifying smile. "Da, that sounds good."

Feliks walked his way over to the stacks of board games, standing in front of the three towers, each about half the height of the Pole. "How about something like..." He pointed towards a classic(ish), Monopoly as he turned his head to see both of the other males' reactions. "This?"

Toris, loving the fact that it would take a lot of time, nodded, as Ivan did the same, but he didn't think about the time.

"Great!" The blonde cheered, pulling it right off the top, as he and Toris usually played it.

Once they got all set up at the table, which was in another room, with Feliks as the Scottish terrier, Toris as the top hat, and Ivan as the battleship.

It was a rough start for each of them, as they kept rolling low numbers, but as the game eased into the part where everyone was extra competitive, the Polish one started to really show his skills. About an hour from the start, the game had finished, as Ivan ended up bankrupt, which would have been Toris if Feliks didn't loan him five hundred dollars near the end.

After the two who weren't left without any money counted up what they did have, Feliks cheered in victory as Toris, out of habit because Feliks normally won, threw the pretend money all over him, Ivan catching on soon after the Lithuanian started.

In short, it was really fun for the three of them. 


This chapter is so much filling there could be so many pies being made right now. Also, this is super-duper-extra late but at least it's here! I'm gonna try to update this more, but I've had zero inspiration for the past few weeks, but luckily, I'm back with ideas, as being seen from this and a whole new story, The Pop of Color. ((Shameless Self Advertising™))
Anyways, thanks for reading my garbage story! Buh-bye!


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