Rules and Trouble

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I woke up in a dark room feeling ropes on my wrist and my legs 'Amy! Are you alright?!' 'I think so. Where are we?' 'I don't know but why does our hair feel light?' Nightmare asked worried and scare. I reached to feel my long hair that I took care of, but it wasn't there 'My h-hair.....its g-gone' 'Amy?' 'I tried to be like auntie and I made a promise to her.....' I felt tears come down. 'Amy, he's coming' Nightmare said and I heard footsteps coming to the dark room I was in.

The door opened filling the room with little light that reach my legs. The man walked in close to me with a serious face. "Oh good your awake pet. Good let's get this over and done with. I am your master and you will obey every rule I say and you have no choice but to obey them" he said watching me like he wanted to kill me if I didn't obey any of the rules he will throw at me.

"Its sad that your parents literally sold you......this will be very interesting" he mumbled running his hand through his black hair. "I don't like rude submissive's, I like my submissive's when they are sluts. It makes them easy to see them in pain and easy to fuck without any fight" he smiled at me. "My punishments are not light, and I can easily get angry so don't try anything stupid or you'll regret it" he growled.

"I have control on what you wear every day and what you eat too. You will not be rude to the people who work here. You are not allowed to make any friends. When you see a person that works here, you will stop what your doing and bow greeting them with respect. Knock before you come in my office. You will be the only one serving me and if someone tries to be dominant to you, you will come straight to me. I will ask you what you did through the day and you will not lie when reporting to me. When I want to use your body you have no options to fight back no matter what. Oh nearly forgot one thing, silly me." He chuckled "You will always call me Sir or Master." He smiling a sadistic smile.

I listened carefully to the rest of the the rules "Now I'll say the punishments you will get when you disobey these rules. These are the following: spanking; humiliation; strap to the bed with a vibrater in you the whole week; you can not cum for three to four days; the playroom; knife play; wax play; buttplug; whipped/paddled/caned; no pleasure; sleep in a cage; no food and the list goes on and on." He said smiling at me "Do you understand, pet" he said asking.

All the stuff he said made me dizzy and made me feel sick "Did you hear me , pet?" he said growling 'Amy! Answer him!' Nightmare yelled bringing me back to reality. "Y-yes" "Yes what" he growled reaching for me "Y-yes Master!" I yelped shutting my eyes shut "Good pet. I'll come get you tomorrow morning. Good night, pet~" he said walking away smiling. 'Wait h-he's gonna l-leave us here!?' 'Please don't leave us here!' Me and Nightmare screamed as he shut the door only hearing a 'click' from the door.

"N-no please d-dont leave me p-please" I whispered with my raspy voice as hot tears fell down my cheek. "P-please..........."

Sebastian's/Master POV

I left my new pet in the time out room sighing as I walk down. "Master!~" I heard my brothers pet ,Jeremy, wave at me. "Tch" I rolled my eyes walking to my office ignoring the little slut. "Master wait up!~" I heard the slut running towards me "Ugh...what do you want?" I growled at him "Master don't be like that~" he said pouting "Am I not enough for you?~" he said biting his lip. "Go back to your real Master" I growled at him "But you're my master" he whined "No I'm..." I grabbed his neck picking him up hearing him choke and gag "Not your Master. Got it?" I asked dangerously. He nod his head "Good. Now get out of my site before I literally kill you" I said dropping him and walking away.

'God, he just gave me headache' I groaned going in my office finishing the paper work that is due tomorrow. I was on my last paper work until I heard a knock "Who is it?" I said not taking my eyes off my paper work "Its Alfred, sir" "Come in." Alfred came in with a worried face "What is it now?" I finished my work sighing looking at him. "Its your new pet, sir" "What did he do?" "Well he didn't do nothing. Its just-" "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I heard someone screaming down the hall.

I saw my pet running away from Jeremy. "Get back here! I'm not done with you!" Jeremy yelled running after my new pet with a knife. "Jeremy!" I yelled at Jeremy, but he ignored me and kept running. My pet jumped on the railing then jumping off it 'Wtf!?' I was shocked how my pet did that. "You little shit!" I heard Jeremy curse out looking over the railing yelling."Get Jeremy's Master now!" I yelled. "I'm already here, brother. Jeremy get your ass here now!" my brother yelled at Jeremy but of course with his stubbornness he ran down the stairs running after my pet.

My pet ran up the stairs seeing me and came behind, clinging on to my polo shirt, shivering in fear. "Don't hide behind my Master you little-" Jeremy didn't get to finish his sentence because my brother grabbed his wrist pulling it behind his back making Jeremy scream in pain dropping the knife. "Let go of me you bastard!" Jeremy yelled struggling out of my brothers grip. "Shut up" my brother growled as he twisted Jeremy's wrist with a warning. "So when are you going to take him back where he belongs?" I asked my brother "Today" he said coldly dragging Jeremy down stairs.

My new pet backed away from me and was walking back to o the time out room. "Where are you going?" I crossed my arms looking at him and all he did was point to the dark room. "Since your out the room already..." I said grabbing his arm pulling him to my bedroom "You will be in there for now" I said pointing to the human size cage that had a pillow and fluffy blanket. "If you be good for the rest of the night I won't take the pillow and the blanket away. Got it?" I said looking at my pet and all he did was nod "Strike 1. You have two more strikes. Now use words now." I said coldly as I heard my pet swallow hard "Y-yes Master" he said looking down on his feet. "Good pet. Now go inside your cage so I can lock and go to bed" I said watching him walking to his cage and crawled in. "Good boy" I said lock the cage.

I lefted to go in the bathroom to take a hot bath. I came out my bathroom with my towel around my waist seeing my pet in tears looking like a broken child 'I haven't even touch the little shit and he already looks broken. How boring' I growled in my head getting ready for bed. 'Well I'll just see what will happen tomorrow morning. I hope something else interesting will happen' I smiled to myself falling asleep.

Hey guys it's me. Stuff happened on I accidentally published it. I'm so so sorry but now I have the full story here. I hope you enjoyed it. Leave a comment and a vote and I'll see you in Chapter 3. Bye-bye

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