Portal hopping

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Whenever you wish to leave this life and be replaced by another person( one that is a complete replica of you) you can always  jump at the opportunity to use a portal.  

This is a known occurrence in my world, where every person is allowed to commit suicide. All that is required is to jump into a portal and be on our merry way out.  Knowing this treasure given to us in this world I decided to do it.


The wind feels nice on my skin.  It gently runs over the hairs on my leg  then to the hairs on my hands. End strands of my hair become a part of the wind but ever so quickly loses gravity and falls back in place. As of now the wind is kind and very  gentle. I can tell soon enough,very soon it will sting me. It will only sting because I am going against it and that it does not understand why.

 I wobble side to side on this concrete structure. All that stops me at this moment are the reoccurring thoughts. Should I really leave? There is much to live for;hence i think the wind will sting me. Yet it lies ahead of me and it is so easy to die. I'm so close. There is not much to live for anymore. The tears cover my eyes and stream down my face. 

When the wind dries them i proceed to jump. I'm falling and smiling and like I said the wind stings me. For something that is a part of nature it must punish me because i have given up too easily, I have not tried once more. 

Oh well, the end is soon here.

*Closes eyes*

I dare not open them. Yet, i still feel blood pulsating to my heart and pumping it. Making the heart beats consecutive one after the other. Somehow i must find the courage to open my eyes.  And I'm shocked to be back on the windowsill. In the same position. This is not right. Death has to be my end.

I try again. And a repeated pattern is created in that brief three minutes. 

Falling,close eyes, windowsill.
Falling,close eyes,windowsill.
Falling, windowsill.
Windowsill. Close eyes. Windowsill. Windowsill. Windowsill.

F*cking windowsill!

I just step  down from the window and trod to  bed. My sweet husband lies in bed peacefully. 

Yesterday when i jumped seemed to be the last portal hop i had been given. 

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