Nightmare vision

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      The house is not too far from the main road and solely stands by itself hidden by tall pines. Every night, creatures would try to out do the other and make the loudest sound.
     It is like that tonight, accompanied by a new moon where the stars are more vivid and the constellations are easier to detect.

     If we were to zoom in to view the cottage we would identify it as a small, neat compact place. Containing one bedroom and bathroom, a small kitchen and a living room with a one seat sofa and a bed.
    A pleasant aroma adds to its beauty but of course we cannot tell unless we assume that the smell of soap being rinsed off by steaming water from the young lady's body gives the pleasant scent. The smirks from the gentleman sitting on the bed as he inhales deeply could also mean he enjoys the smell. Or, it could be due to his mischief eyes peeping at the young lady through the glass doors bending over.

    She slides the door open and steps out on the hot mat, he diverts his eyes swiftly to the ground. She takes something out of her bag lying on the tiles, the item appears to be very moist and starts dripping. After admiring it she shoves it into her mouth divulges in it and licks the juice from her finger tips. The gent raises his head and wonders what she had in her mouth.

Must be very tasty  he thinks.

     As he continues to watch her his attention is drawn to her lower back. He rubs his eyes thinking he misinterpret what he sees but what didn't convince him that it was his dreams was the continuous appearance of an enlargening bulge crawling up from her lower back to the top of her back. The up and down motions of the skin sends tickles at the back of his neck. It eventually creeps him out.

What the fuck?  He says softly.

     Her head jerks back and she makes chuckle noises. The bulge disappears and she runs out the bathroom. She is met with a surprise from her boyfriend. He has a knife in his hand.

"Why the knife?"

"Did you hear that noise?" he asks.

"Yeah! That's why I rushed out dumb dumb. Put that down. It's startling.

    He looks at her and is about to ask her another question but she inches closer while moving her hips and shoulders seductively averting his thoughts. She stops when he reaches the edge of the bed after walking backwards and pushes his back on the bed.

"Who snacks first?" she says and giggles playfully.

      He drops the knife distracted by the question and holds onto her lower back. He avoids kissing her and caresses her neck instead. Whatever that red thing in her mouth is discourages him from kissing her. As his hand reaches her lower back his fingers begin to slide into a  hole. His hands get sticky with the substance from the hole and he tries to glance at the substance. He did not touch her private part so there was no way it could be discharge, or was it soap that she did not wash off properly.

      Her head raises and she bites her lips and slowly moves her eyes to his pants. But an increasing jab in his fingers dirtied by the sticky substance disturbs and distracts him.

    He finally gets a look at his hand when she goes to unzip his pants. The fingertips are blue and the skin peels around the nails at a fast rate. He shoves her off of him and sits at the edge of the bed.

"Uh, What the fuck is this?" He cringe and twitches as the jabbing increases.

      She bites into his leg. He hollers and bolts to the door of the cottage. He becomes alarm to see that outside the cottage is a large lake. A surge of panic rises in him. He peers around anxiously to find a way to escape. Then he sees things sticking their head in and out of the water. They were everywhere. He runs back inside.

     She is there on the bed tossing side to side while becoming larger in some body parts and smaller in some.  A wave of chuckles start from behind him. She jumps of the bed and rushes to him. As he continues to step back and back he drops into the water with the chuckling noises. The woman follows him.

"I asked you what you feel like doing tonight!" Trish asks Gabriel while moving her hand back and forth in front of his eyes. She, for the last five minutes called for him. He was in a sofa day dreaming.

"Oh, I'll take you home. I'm really sleepy " he says shaking his head and coming out of his dream.

    Trish was a classmate who became really close to him. Tonight would have been the perfect night to have sex but after that scene in his head he didn't want to be around any woman. Not to be eaten alive that is.


     Trish opens the car door after giving him a kiss. She walks on a pathway partially blocked by large pine trees.  She waves to him and turns to walk on the path. He drives up a little but halts when he hears chuckles. Familiar chuckles. He stops the car and gets out.

     Trish is a few feet in front of him. He actually has never seen her house before although she invited him many nights ago. Trish walks quickly her stomach growls and the smell in the air makes her hungrier. She steps on the bridge above a lake and walk across it towards a lonely cottage.

   When Gabriel comes out of the bushes and is at the end of the pathway he gasps at the bridge and the cottage. He feels more and more horrified as the scene replays in real life.

A man drops into the water, a bulging woman jumps in after him pulls him out and feasts on him by the door.
Trish shifts next to the woman and bites into the same man. More of them come out the water and bite into the body.

They chuckle in delight.

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