Is that death in my eyes?

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One can say this place is not ordinary. Yes, we are classified as humans. We look like one from afar, even a little closer our hands,feet,legs and other body parts are quite similar to that of any normal human. Our nose the same, teeth the same,but our eyes are special. Unlike you,who may have pupils and colorful irises we are left with white cloudy nothingness. 

For some reason everyone here is birthed with these eyes, the priest calls our kind 'foreseers.' And that is because at random times during the day our eyes show our futures. 

Of course we have rules ,not everyone likes to be 'read or watched' hence we politely ask for permission to look at someone's face. Most days it is unnecessary 'cause everyone wears shades anyway. And not every future is clear, the visions come in separate parts and like riddles. Sometimes we would see a yellow item being used but we might not clearly see what the item is. As you get older however, this changes visions become apparent and disturbingly movie-like. 


I grew up with the ability to see my companions' future. It was thrilling at times to inform them of a prize they would win or some other fun surprise like that. Then sometimes it was a sore to see what their futures held. Those who saw the pre death of a person would be sad for days. It didn't make sense changing the future either 'cause it was already set. My parents soon learnt that.

This week feels a bit differently. I'm trying to shake off this empty nothingness feeling, waves of   sadness and depression cover me like the puffy clouds this morning. School takes forever to end and I hustle to get home to ask my mum  what my future looks like. Sometimes when I get my period coming I feel this way,so maybe it is that dreadful monster coming to bang my stomach for many days. 

"Mum can you look in my eyes and tell me my future please."

She tries shooing me away saying  "nothing is going to happen."

"Mom please" I beg.

Finally she looks but doesn't stop its like she is day dreaming in my eyes. Actually her hands start shaking and she turns away from me. Looking to the ground and darting her eyes all over the room. 

"Is something wrong Mum? " "Is it my perioooood" I whine.

"Amm, no sweetie, just, just go upstairs okay?"

Just like that. Seriously if she is in a bad mood no need to brush me off like that.  I know I saw her trembling but what could be so dreadful that she didn't say anything. I know something is odd later, when dad comes home I sneak to their door and hear them having a mini argument or panic.

"We can try love but you know how it goes"

"How it goes, do you know how serious this is?" 

 "We would have to be very careful" says dad in this dreadful tone. 


 As I go to take a morning shower everything befalls so quickly. First, mum and dad are distracted outside with a bug terminator and as I am having my 5th concert something bites my toes ridiculously leaving a long sting. I only start to freak when I see blood mix in with the water. 

 I climb out of the tub and hold onto the sink but I knock down a bottle of opened shampoo and  its contents spill all over the floor. At the same time I miss the sink and trip hitting the back of my head on the tiles. 

I was gone for a minute or so I believed. On awakening I get more stinging coming from my head and toes.  Looking down to my feet my bleeding toes have the nastiest looking worms wrap around them  piercing  thousands of teeth into my skin and leaving me in grievous levels of pain.  I quickly stand to stamp them into the tiles but my sudden jerk  leaves me dizzy and drowsy. I push through it and search for something to kill the long worms with because they seek revenge and are swarming towards the source of blood.  I stomp at more of them however I get even more light-headed and slump to the ground,evidently passing out. 

  About two of them caught up to my feet again, I lay there paralyze,unable to scream or voice in any way and the worms they keep sliding into the holes in my toes.  I can feel my breathing slow down while my chest tightens quickly and I lose feeling in my legs. My hands give out accompanied by my eyes.


 When mum and dad got to me they could not save me. 

I guess it was death that I was feeling.

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