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      jongdae called. he asked me to hang out with them, together with minseok, and of course it was okay. i was pretty scared knowing i'm quite awkward to the people i just met. but as soon as we met each other in the mall, they dragged me to—tons of restaurants. they were trying out so many things i couldn't comprehend the names or the taste—and lastly they dragged me to a coffee shop. they were hilarious, they fought over little things like they were married, asked so many things about me, and i asked them back. i found out many things about their habits since the two of them lived together in the same roof, how jongdae would ask minseok to get things for him, and that he'll ask if he's his slave but will fetch it anyway.

but here's the thing..

when jongdae went to the other side of the mall to reach the comfort room, minseok told me something.

"jongdae.. you see, he's dense."
"what do you mean?"
"do i act that much of an older figure towards him, kyungsoo?"
"you do, why?"

and i saw it. the pain in his eyes.

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