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      chanyeol invited me, to their dorm, for the first time. he said he wanted to "bond" with me, and by that, he meant trying a duet together. since both jongin and baekhyun were out for the day and will be back by around 8:30. so i did come, hoping it'll work, and i brought the nuggets that i cooked enough for all of them three. (although, chanyeol ate almost more than his share, to which i blackmailed him by saying i won't sing with him if he doesn't stop). unbelievably, before we even started, we exchanged questions about ourselves, from little things like our pet peeves to bigger controversies like our worst case scenarios we have encountered in college. it unexpectedly went on for two hours, with constant laughter but also understanding. it was weird. for a guy so opposite to my personality, he matched so well with me, and he was a good listener. it took junmyeon and sehun a week and a half to make me warm up to them when i was a kid, and it took me six days to warm up to my old college friends. but he, within just a couple days of hitting up one another, we already talked about a lot.

we probably have more to share later on.

he asked me what song i want to particularly sing today, and the first thing i've said was yoon mi rae's touch love, since that was a really beautiful korean ost from a drama that aired two years ago and will always be one my favorites. he perked up at hearing the song title, saying he loved that drama, "the master's sun", as he recalled the title, and started strumming for me.

it was rather pretty.

everything was pretty. how he played the guitar, how i sung to it, and how he harmonize with me and our voices blended well. he was definitely interesting. he has such a great potential and he was surely not wasting it. it was odd how much i can't help but smile to it, really. and he said, right after, "i finally achieved it. the dream i had ever since college. a duet with you."

that was honestly cheesy, but for some reason, up until i went home and i am writing this now, the thought makes my cheeks hurt from being stretched so much..

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