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jongin called me today. he greeted me with "hyung!" and it was really cute of him. maybe because he's the only one rather younger than me other than sehun. i asked him if he needed something but he just asked me if junmyeon's dance studio was available for him to practice on since he's been stressed lately. i told him that it was alright, although, i wondered why i was the one he called. he told me that he had a favor to ask me, and that he'll tell me once we meet. all of them living by the other neighboring city already went back home around noon, but he was here asking me a favor around early evening to meet.

so we did. it was a little awkward, no one else was there and i just stole the studio keys from junmyeon since it was purposely closed for holidays. he was in a plain shirt, tight pants, and dancing shoes, and he asked me if it was okay to sing for him.

i, of course, got puzzled. jongin told me that he just wanted to hear my voice as he dances. and i did. i realized he was a mesmerizing dancer, that i ended up stopping in the middle of singing. he asked what was wrong, but i told him without hesitation that he was graceful and i can never take my eyes off his dancing. he giggled, it was obvious i got him flustered, and he said that his stress is gone. i asked him what was bothering him so much, and we ended up talking in an empty studio, the huge mirror reflecting only our figures sitting by each other. jongin was having troubles with his girlfriend, and said he'd rather eat it out or dance it out. he smiled at me, saying he was glad to step it up and ask me what he was itching to ask for the past few days. and he ends it with saying i was a beautiful singer, and a great singer, how my nuggets were really top-notch and the kimchi spag.

that got me flustered in exchange. note: go visit their household again to give more homemade chicken nuggets.

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