9: The Rose and the Lily

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I'm proud to say that I piloted us to the Tower myself, with only a little instruction from North.  In the east the sun had begun to rise, casting a soft glow across the sky, as we swept down from the clouds toward the Tower's mountain perch.

I swing our back end around, facing us toward the Hangar bay, engaging the upward thrusters to hover inside and set down.  

"Nice landing," North chirps.  

"Thanks," I reply unfastening my safety belt and pressing a button on the dash to open the back hatch.  "Never gonna happen again." 

"You'll get it.  We've got more ships waiting to land," he informs me.  "Let's get out of their way." 

I nod in agreement, pulling myself from the seat by a handle on the low ceiling.  Ducking, I open the hatch to the hold and clamber ungracefully out of the tight cockpit.  

The Titan turns to face me from her place on the floor, Ghost at her shoulder.  Around her is scattered the tattered remnants of her armor, which she had been repairing.  She smiles shyly and I'm struck again by how young she is.  Without the pallor of death, there is a youthful blush to her tan cheeks and an energy in the way she stands up to greet me.

Not sure of what else to say, I settle with a solid, "Good morning." 

"Good morning," she replies.

Okay then, I'm officially bad at people-ing.

I beckon her forward, starting down the exit ramp.  "We're holding up air traffic, so we should probably move."

"Of course," she agrees, following me out.

Over the comm, North gives a huff in my ear.  "Surely you have some social skills."

"I thought you said Hunters were loners!  I'm just playing the part.  Plus, I've been dead 'a long time'.  Give me a break."

North makes a sighing sound and shuts the ship's back hatch.  As soon as we're clear of it, two slats of the floor slide apart and the ship descends down into the parking bay, leaving the landing platform clear for the next Guardian.  

The Titan follows me to the edge of the hangar, where a set of stairs circles the wall, leading up to the main Tower grounds.  Here I stop and turn, offering her my hand to shake.

"I'm Mora." 

Her warm evergreen gaze sweeps from my outstretched hand up to my face.  She smiles taking my hand in an iron grip.   

"I'm Rose."  

An appropriate name, I think, my eyes darting to her cherry auburn hair.  

"Thank you for saving me." 

I nod.  "How did you end up... there?" 

She sighs softly, looking down at the ground sheepishly.  "We were scouting for any ship parts we could salvage for Amanda.  Shot down by a Fallen walker."  Rose pauses, casting a glance to her Ghost, hovering at her shoulder.  "Lily here, re-activated an info hub in an old bunker to track down a new ship.  We thought we'd found one, but it turned out to be only a Warp Drive and then that Archon was there and..." she trails off uncomfortably, eyes fixed firmly on her booted feet.

I frown.  "Why didn't you Ghost transmat you out?" 

Lily answers me before Rose can.  "I tried to revive Rose after the Fallen killed her, but a Dreg got a shot on me and I had to hide or it would've been the end of both of us.  The blast scrambled my communications and transmat, and my the time I got them working again the Fallen had some kind of jamming signal established and there was nothing I could do but wait." 

"How did we get a transmat through then?" I ask North, curiously.

His optic cocks to one side, as if thinking.  "Your grenade must've taken it out." 

I smirk faintly, pleased.  "Lucky move."

"A lucky move indeed," Lily agrees.  "You saved our lives."

Blood rushes to my cheeks, and I look down shyly to hide the blush. "It was nothing." 

North snorts softly in amusement.

"Nothing!" Rose snaps making me jump.  "The Vanguard's been after Riksis for months!  He's perma-killed two other Guardians and nearly killed me!  What happened to him?  How did you get by?" 

"He's dead." 

Her eyes widen in amazement and the shy, shamefaced manner evaporates as she claps her hands together in excitement.  "Really?  Ooh this will mean so much more for us Guardians to do, with the Devils having lost such a powerful leader and all!"  

She pauses, grinning, then cocks at eye at me.  "You're uncharacteristically quiet for a Hunter after having made such a kill and saved a Guardian.  One of another class, no less!  If you were any other Hunter I'd be getting an earful of bragging right now.  Or a lecture if you were a Warlock.  They love talking.  Are you a Bladedancer?" 

"A what?"

Her eyes narrow, taking me in from head to toe and she gasps, clapping a hand over her mouth.  "Oh you're new!  A new Guardian!  How exciting!  What on Earth were you doing going after a target like that?!" 

It takes a moment to collect my thoughts after her barrage of words.  This is how North must feel about my questions.  "I was looking for a Warp Drive.  Riksis just happened to have one."  I hope that didn't sound like bragging.  I'm a little disappointed Hunters have that reputation, but I'm sure the other classes have their flaws.  

Rose chuckles, shaking her head.  "So we were there for the same reason."  After a moment, she smiles at me.  "I like you.  You're nice for a Hunter.  Maybe we can do a mission together some time."

I return her smile, deciding that after the last mission, help would be appreciated.  "I'd like that."

"Good!  Me too," she says, beaming.  "Well I'm sure we both have reports to make and business to attend to!  I'll see ya around!"  With a jaunty salute, she's gone, skipping off up the stairs. 

"See," I snip at North.  "I have some social skills." 

"You said one word to her ten!" he retorts. 

"So she was a little talkative!" 

North growls softly.  "Good thing Hunters spend a lot of time alone.  Your team would be called Fireteam Awkward."

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