20: Ghost Hunting

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"What exactly is this Dead Orbit group?" I ask Rose over the comm channel as we speed toward the Skywatch on our Sparrows. 

"Dead Orbit is a faction, one of three.  There used to be more, a long time ago, but they were disbanded by order of the Vanguard."


"Well there was a war, and the City nearly collapsed and then the Fallen attacked... Differing views?" she mused nonchalantly.   

"I'll say," I mutter in agreement. 

"It almost put and end to us."  Rose pauses.  "You could've found this out yourself.  What were you talking to Ikora about?"

"The library?" 

"Yes, that.  You know there is a public access library on the lower levels of the Tower, right?" 

"What?" I burst out in surprise.  "What am I trying to get into then?" 

Rose hummed softly, accelerating as we start up the Skywatch hill.  "Probably the private library reserved for scholars, Cryptarchs and Ikora herself.  You honestly didn't know there was a library for everyone to use?"

"No, I really didn't," I replied flatly, my speed hitching as red appears on my radar.  "No thanks to someone." 

North doesn't deign a response necessary.  I roll my eyes, slowing to a halt behind the Titan, who has picked up the threat as well and stopped at the first hairpin turn in the road. 

Shaking her head, she looks back at me, drawing and readying her weapon in advance.  "How long have you been awake?" 

I hesitate, trying to tally up the days, but they've all blurred together.  "Less than a week." 

"No sleep?" 

I shake my head. 

"No breaks?" 

Again, the same response. 

"Cynical and limited answers to all your questions?" 

I shrug. 

With a heavy sigh, Rose puts her hands on her hips in exasperation, fixing me with a surprisingly motherly glare.  "You'll run yourself into the ground at this rate." 

I give a sniff of disdain.  "I feel fine.  The Light's supposed to sustain us isn't it?" 

"It is, but you still need to take at least some care of yourself.  Sleep isn't just for rest, its to clear your head, let your thoughts sort themselves out.  If you work too much, you'll end up useless, Light or no Light."  I try to protest, but she cuts me off.  "No, no, I don't care what the Vanguard say, they have others they can send out on the job.  As soon as this mission ends you're getting a night's rest and then maybe we can go check out the library."  

"Alright, mom, if you insist," I tease, and she turns away, flipping the mag into her hand cannon and starting off up the hill on foot.  

"Get that sniper ready.  It'll be handy, if we can slip up unseen."

I nod, slipping it loose from my back and prowling after her.  In silence, we creep up around the corner of the rugged old road, peering out from behind the end of the concrete retainer wall at our unsuspecting prey. 

A Captain, and two Vandals, all preoccupied by our parked Sparrows down the hill.  They're practically lined up for me.  I glance at Rose in question and she gives me a nod.  Quietly, I step out, and drop to one knee on the frozen ground.  Scoping in, I find my first target- the furthest Vandal.  I take aim carefully before firing.  My shot proves true as he drops dead.  The others whirl in surprise, but before they can fire a shot, the second Vandal has met his end.  

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