Author's Note II

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Well, we've hit 20 chapters.  That alone is awesome, and makes me so happy I can't even say.  But what excites me even more is the support I've gotten from people.  

There are a few who follow along and vote for each chapter and new update and to them I'm so, so grateful.  

Then there are those who drop a vote in random spots, on whatever they like to read. 

And some people just want to read through, and bother getting all the way to the end of posted material.  

To all of you, big thanks.  I know my updates are slow, working around life and school and other things, but y'all are just awesome, waiting and putting up with my procrastination so thanks again. 

We've reached 3885 reads on just 20 chapters and an Author's Note as well as 236 votes.  I started this on a whim and it brings me joy to see it come so far.  

Glad you're all still with me! 

~Until next time 

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