chapter 2,,

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lili's pov,,

It was a few hours later, the sun came out and the temperature was a high 35℃. butterflies and bees surrounded the gardens and sneaked in through open windows. A beautiful pink butterfly with red spottings landed beside me on a petite white glazed statue. I carefully pulled my phone out of my back pocket to take a photo, but as soon as my phone was out it flew away. Kj walked into the room and sat down next to me.

"hey lili, um, would you like to come to Hermosa beach pier with me tonight? so we can catch up, alone" he hesitated, as if he was almost scared to ask.

"sure" I replied, smiling.

"meet me at the front door at about... 8pm?" he asked, I nodded.

I went to my room and opened up my laptop to watch a bit of Netflix, I chose to watch ahs. While watching it I became aware of how tired I was, and unexpectedly fell asleep on a cliff hanger. at this point everyone was chilling out by the pool, apart from me, the weakling, who can't stay awake for longer than 5 hours.
I was woke suddenly, due to having a nightmare. Cole was murdered and Camila and Kj moved away together, Casey stayed but pied me once he found the new love of his life. Despite this, I made an effort to get ready. I topped up my makeup and added a shimmery rose gold mac shade onto my eyelids. I was struck over what to wear, either the outfit I'd been wearing all day or a a cute grunge blue skater dress. I decided to ask a Cami for help

"hey, what should I wear, this or a grunge blue skater dress?" I asked.

"the skater dress all the way, it'd look gorgeous on you" she replied, admiring the dress.

"thanks" I walked back to my room.

"Lili! you ready yet?" Kj shouted up the stairs.

"On my way" I shouted back. I quickly put on my favourite necklace and rushed downstairs. It was 8:01m, I was a minute late.

"you're a minute late" Kj announced.

"ONLY one" I panted, out of breath.

we gathered in Kj's car and set off.

"You look gorgeous" he whispered with a smile stretched upon his perfectly straight face.
"thank you" I replied anxiously, though I knew it was a compliment and nothing romantic. once we had arrived at the beach, we shot out of the car and took our shoes off and ran down to the edge of the sea shore. We paddled at the shore and shared our gossip with another, catching up with each other's lives. we sat down on the grainy sand and stared across the lustful sea. the air was calm and there was not a cloud in the sky. the sunset in the sky was filled with beautiful shades of pinks, oranges and reds. as we sat peacefully, kj stared into my eyes and his head became closer and closer to mine, he held and gripped my hand tightly, I hesitated and felt fury building up within my chest..

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