Chapter 1.

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Mist covered the path which you were walking on. The dim light from the moon peered through the thick tree branches giving you some view of the path forward. At times you could hear hoots of an owl, squeaks of a mouse, gentle wind brushing the tops of the trees. You had no idea how long you were walking, you felt a bit light headed and sleepy. Nonetheless, keeping your calm stride, you moved. There didn't seem to be any threats along the way, and you didn't come face to face with a wild animal yet.

Just as you were stopping to rest a bit a dim light showed itself in front of you. It was a black floating ball of fire with a white glow to it. Curiously you strode near it with wide eyes, never have you seen such fire and it fascinated you how such a thing could shine like that.  Taking cautious steps towards it, snapping a few branches along the way you were inches away from it....

-  Time to wake up Y/N.

Stretching your arm out towards the fire...

- Y/N !

Your face collides with the fluffy rug in your room. Lying a like a burrito wrapped in your bed sheets you groan into the rug. It was morning and your mother was standing at the door looking at you with a raised brow.

Your family and you got along pretty nicely, there were some ups and downs sometimes but mostly everything was fine. At times you had bad dreams, mostly it was because of horror films or just your wild imagination which stayed with you since childhood. 

- What... are you doing on the ground?" your mom arches her eyebrows. 

- What does it look like? Hugging the damn carpet and trying to figure out why you woke me up this early." 

Your mother sighs and opens the curtains, sunlight pours through the window and shines throughout the room. Groaning once more you lift your burrito form off the ground and flop back on your bed.

- Y/N, me and your father are going grocery shopping, do you want to go with us? Oh and also" she approaches you quickly.

- Wha-? bhaahahahahahahah stoooop it ! hahahahahaha!

Your mother started to tickle you and trying to escape the tickles you tried shielding yourself with the blanket, of course that didn't work. After a couple of minutes of frantic laughter you slump again on your bed, face down on the pillow.

- Ok, I see I can't get you out of bed at all, though I got a good laugh out of tickling you so I'll leave you alone." saying that your mom leaves and closes the door.

- Gah ! I don't want to get up yet !" you bury your head into the pillow, trying to remember the dream.


- Ok ! This isn't funny ! " brushing past leaves which blocked your way you frantically ran forward, your bare feet scraping the ground" 

You were back in the same dream, only this time you felt as if someone was chasing you. The sense of blood lust was strong in the air, the moon's light seeping through the trees was a slight reddish colour. Your beating heart rung in your ears, arms were scratched from branches, clothes ripped at some parts. 

  Gasping for air you push through until you enter a clearing of the forest.  

 Not being able to run any further you stop and fall on your knees, cold air fills your lungs

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 Not being able to run any further you stop and fall on your knees, cold air fills your lungs. Looking down at your legs you sit for a while, just listening if there was anything approaching you. The light of the moon was back to it's mysterious white glow which engulfed you, surprisingly you felt safe again, some fireflies brushed past your head into the darkness of the forest. Not wanting to move any more you flop down on the grass and close your eyes....

A melodic voice filled the air. "It has a haunting feeling to it" you thought. You hear wind which rustles the trees and brushes your cheeks with a cold touch. Shivering doesn't occur to you, your body only aches from the running you did and takes pleasure in resting, relaxing the muscles. 

You feel as if this is a lullaby just for you. Many people in this situation would spring up and run further away but you took comfort in it, in it's beauty. You feel a stare from the side and open one eye to look at your viewer to discover it was a tiny creature of some sort. It had a small body accompanied with two little horns and a wolfish tail, it's body was that of a fox's. Staring at you with two beady eyes it stood there in the shadow as if waiting for a reaction, but finding none  it then  laid down placing its head on its paws. Closing your eye again you continued listening to the song.

When the lullaby ended you stayed in place for a bit, breathing lightly. Wind picked up again and brushed your face gently only this time you felt a somewhat heavy thing on your chest. Slightly opening your eyes you see something sparkle in the moonlight.

 Slightly opening your eyes you see something sparkle in the moonlight

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Lifting up the key you examine it curiously. It flashes a bit in the light as if saying hello to it's wielder. Not knowing were to put it you stuck it in your pants pocket and stand up. 

- There should be a way out of here.

As if on cue a bit of mist clears revealing a narrow path. Taking small steps you start walking down the road again, hearing occasional snaps of twigs from the little creatures steps. You didn't know why it was following you nor did you knew what was really in these woods and what does the key open. 

After about 5 minutes you approach a gate. It was a small one but with a fancy pattern to it, kind of like the ones you see in cemeteries. Hesitantly you reach inside your pocket for the key.

And as you hear a slight squeak from your little companion you also hear a deep whisper:

- Come in.

Looking wide eyed as the gate opens itself you stand frozen in spot, unsure if you really wanted to go in any more. But what choice did you really have?

- Come in~ Come in~


 You open your eyes and get up quickly, hands clutching the bed sheets and a single ding is heard in the room.

-What the...

Looking down at your carpet you see the exact same key which you had in your dream. Shaking your head doesn't help you, you still see it on the ground. Still not believing it you pinch yourself and wince from the pain.

- It's still there....

Hello ! ^^ I'm kind of new here, well not exactly new because I've been reading other stories and decided to write my own ! Sorry if there are mistakes, my mother language isn't English but I'm trying to brush up my skills! 

I don't really know what else to say except that I don't own the video/music or pictures, they belong to their respected authors !

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