Chapter 20.

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"You should give her a moment to relax~" 

Your gaze finally settles on the middle of the table and you relax your shoulders bit by bit. Seeming pleased by this, Tynan turns to the mysterious person but says nothing as he puts his elbows on the table and crosses his fingers, chin rested on them. The being in front of him sighs and turns to you slightly in order not to startle you too much.

"My apologies, I understand that you are... nervous,  but I assure you, that I will not do anything harmful to you." The being then turns to something that's behind you and says:

"Bring us some food please"

Curiosity was bubbling inside you to see what's behind but stopping yourself you cough a bit and direct your voice to the being, or more like, the whole place:

"Why am I here?"

A bottle with a very long neck and round bottom is placed beside your wine glass, you see no hand placing it, as if there was none and the bottle just floated there, but you had a strong feeling that there was some kind of presence behind you, one which you could not see. The being's cloak rustles a bit as it leans into the chair, arms neatly placed on its lap. A plate of steak with some salad is placed in front of you, the bottle "floats" in the air a bit, the cap is taken out and the red liquid is poured into three glasses , one for each of you. There were plates in front of Tynan and the other being but they stayed empty. You were the only one who is going to eat, it seems.

"You have stirred this world a bit too much Y/N."

"What do you mean?" not touching the food or glass you lean in, you must listen closely because the entity might finally explain what is happening. To your displeasure smoke clouds your face and you cough, you hear Tynan chuckling and you swear, if you'll have the chance, a punch is foreseen in his future.

"Tynan, don't be rude, she must know what awaits her and if you can't tolerate sitting here then go for a walk"

You giggle a bit as Tynan was being lectured and just the sight of him furrowing his brows in slight annoyance was lifting your mood slightly. Noticing your expression the demon smiled a bit and extinguished his pipe, put it in his pocket and stood up.

"Just don't go telling her everything Adair. You know how fragile humans are." as he says this he turns from the table and starts walking into the forest depth. Just as he sets foot behind some trees the being whose name was Adair quietly whispers to himself:

"I know, dear friend, I know"


Now you were both alone, of course the being who is serving your table is somewhere but you don't pay it mind. The silence that followed after their small talk was just gripping you by the throat, clawing at your skin. Picking up a fork and knife you slice into the meat and take a small bite of the steak. Your eyes widen at the juiciness, it was delicious and you ate it with sheer delight. One rule broken: don't take food from strangers, but the nervousness got to you so it's somewhat an excuse?

 "Enjoying the food by the look on your face?" not even seeing Adair's face you could tell he was smiling under the hood. Nodding you gulp down the meat and place your utensils on the plate, some steak is left but there are more pressing matters to attend to.

"Many of you come here you know, humans I mean."

At this you furrow your brows in confusion and try to remember if you had seen ANYONE expect the monsters that lurked here. Nothing comes to mind, go figure.

"But I didn't see any human here... Just-"

"Monsters yes?" he chuckles and with his long fingernail pokes the wine glass which emits a clear *ding*.

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