Halloween special 🎃

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*Click click*

You flicker with the lighter and it ignites, the orange yellowish flame slowly turns to green and you light up the small candle in your hand. With a snap you shut the lighter and place it on your table for later use, you didn't smoke, just liked the pretty green flame and it was useful for lighting up candles from time to time. 

Taking a small carved pumpkin in one hand and the candle in the other, you gently place it inside the pumpkin then look around your room for a nice place to set it down. Pushing your standing calendar to the side, you place the mini jack-o-lantern on the window sill, it showed off its little creepy smile and triangular eyes.

"May I ask what are you doing Y/N?" his voice reached your ears and you turn around to Tynan standing behind your back and looking at the small decoration.

"Ah, Halloween is it? An interesting event I might say~" with a flick of his fingers you saw white strings leave his hand and fly to the pumpkin, they swished around for a bit, then to your surprise, turned into a duplicate of your own decoration. A ghostly pumpkin with a sly smile stood beside your own one, its surface gave off a whitish glow.

"It is, but my concern now is the question why are you smiling so widely?"I mean, you're always grinning but today you just feel MORE off." your eyes gaze into his own ones.

"Actually I am the same as always, might be your imagination you know?~" he gives another sly smile and turns to the door" Didn't you say that you need to get going somewhere?" 

"Oh right! I need to go outside quick!" You start changing fast as lightning and don't even care if Tynan saw anything, underwear is just like a swimming suit, no need to get angry about it being seen. 

Running to the corridor while still buttoning up your shirt, you swiftly put on your shoes and take the keys to the flat. 

"I'll be back after two hours or so!" you shout to him and without waiting for a response, close the door.

Backpack swishing from side to side you go down the stairs and exit the apartment. Today you had to visit your family's graves with your parents. They rang you not long ago to be outside so that they could pick you up and you would all drive to each cemetery location that you needed.

Zipping up your coat you nestle your head into your scarf more, hands in pockets you look around and try to see if they're already near you somewhere. Wind picks up and rustles the leafless tree branches above your head, some smack you in the forehead as the branches were long and thin. 


You look up to the other side of the street and see a raven sitting on top of a street lamp. It caws a few more times and rustles its feathers. Either Tynan is gonna come with you or you're just staring at a normal raven. Adjusting your bag you hear some of the candles click against each other, they were small glass containers with candles, 3 in total, all had a rose engraved on them.

Soon enough your mom pulled up to you and all three of you drove off. After visiting two locations there was only one left and it was the farthest from the city. The graveyard was just beside the 16 century church, there were 2 areas  of graves, one was more close to the church, the other was a bit farther. One was completely bare against the sky while the other near the church was shielded by maple trees that by now, have already dropped all of their colorful leaves.

"Y/N, pass me the besom please" your dad asked as he was picking up dry leaves from around the gravestone while your mother was planting fresh flowers. Handing the twig broom you slide down the soil a bit. Sometimes it was a bit tricky moving as the graves were tightly situated near one another AND the maple tree covered part of the graveyard which was on an uneven hill. 

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