Chapter 30.

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"How big is this library exactly?" striding after the librarian your head turns to every bookshelf with interest, panels with categories were on the side of the bookshelves. Currently you were in the "literature" one. You stop suddenly as Cato grabs a nearby ladder and starts climbing up.

"Somewhere there is a map of the library but I wouldn't bother with it, the library expands fast, with every book published and unpublished our collection grows within minutes aaaand, ah there it is~" picking up about 4-5 books he starts climbing back down.

"Would you like a hand with those books?" you stretch out your hands and Cato smiles, he takes two books from his pile and gives them to you. On the upper book you read the title " Mr. Sandman", the book looks a bit worn out, probably released long ago, you couldn't find the author for some reason, meh it happens. 

"You're a nice person Y/N, at least by helping me a bit I can say that" without wait he starts rushing to another bookcase with you behind his feet. 

"Maybe you could point me to a section where I could find something concerning this key and how to destroy it? Or maybe you have something about um other dark worlds/dimensions?" clutching the books in your hands you take a turn after him.

He stops in his tracks and looks in every direction, searching for something.

"I need a book trolley please" his voice was but a whisper but you could feel it enveloping your surroundings, as if it spread like water everywhere. Silence follows then a slight creaking noise interrupts it as a white book trolley comes out of a near book case. Your hair stands up and you back away a bit. A shadow was pushing the trolley, it possessed the form of a human except... that it had antlers on its head? 

Not noticing your distress the librarian takes the trolley and puts the books on it then turns away from the shadow and continues down the hallway of books.  Meanwhile the shadow turns around and starts walking away from you. 


It stops.

The shadow stops and turns around to you. 

"W-what" you're deep rooted in your place as your eyes bore holes in the shadow. It stands in place silently, then nods at you. Confused a bit you nod back and keep staring at it until slowly, it turns from you and vanishes amongst the bookshelves.

You didn't really need to catch up with Cato as he was only a few bookshelves away from you, quickly checking the first pages of every book that happened upon his hands. 

"Cato? Is that shadow a worker here?" Just as you ask that question, another book trolley passes by the librarian's back and you see a young girl pushing it. She wore a simple grey dress which reached her knees, blond hair was neatly pushed up to a bun, kitten heels clacked the floor as she walked in small steps. Noticing you staring, the girl doesn't stop pushing the trolley but looks at you briefly and gives a small smile. Her blue eyes shined brightly enough for you to hold your breath, her outer appearance dimmed a bit and you could see her soul just floating in mid air. 

"You really do like to stare much Y/N." snapping back to "reality", you blink and shake your head a bit. Cato was still flipping through books but you had his almost full attention.

"Sorry, all this is just new to me, well It's not that new.." just as you start blabbering to no end, the librarian gives you 3 books and on he goes on his trolley.

"I would love to explain everything to you Y/N, well at least the things I know" he speeds up a bit so you do the same. While following him you saw even more workers, some looked like normal humans, others looked like bizarre creatures you've never seen. Only two times did you see shadows walking around. Maybe they were rare creatures here?

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