Time Too Say Goodbye....

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Lucy's POV
After what Natsu said, my face. I had enough already.. I had too leave. That's what I did before Natsu triggered my wolf from again..... I remember I went into my wolf form and ran as fast as I could, I herd Levy-chan screaming and Happy too. But, I had too.....

Happy's POV
I flew into the forest hoping I could catch up too Lucy, but I couldn't. She covered her scent. And I knew, that she wanted too be left alone at that point. So I respected her and left. I herd Levy screaming and crying while Gajeel would try too hold her down. But he was too strong for her. She ended up passing out in Gajeels arms.

"Let's go...." Happy said quietly
"W-What?! But we ca-" Erza tried too say
"I SAID WE'RE GOING HOME!" Happy yelled
Erza kept quiet and walked away to go back home
"I'll take shrimp with me.." Gajeel and Levy left
"I'll get going, so you guys tomorrow" Gray left.
"Ok buddy, ready too go back home?" Natsu asked
"N-No!" Happy yelled
"What? Why not?!" Natsu asked
"BECAUSE YOU DID THIS AND STARTED IT!" Happy flew into the air and went to Lucy's house
"Don't worry Natsu-San, I'll take care of Happy for now, just give him some space..." Wendy said
"Thanks Wendy...."
Carla then picked up Wendy and flew after Happy

Happy's POV
I flew over too Lucy's house and entered through the window. The same way Natsu and I would enter. But I saw something on Lucy's bed. A note. But you see, I'm not like Natsu and I just read everything, but I think I had too this time. When I read the note I knew that I had to hide this from Lucy. So I ripped it into thousands of pieces and threw them into the trash. I went to sleep and just hoping that Lucy won't find out what the note said.

*Next Morning*

Lucy's POV
I was standing in the back of the guild in my wolf form. I take long deep breaths too calm me down. I climb onto the building and found Masters window, I opened it up and no one was there, I changed into my human form and waited there for about 5-10 minutes. Until finally, Master walked in.

"Lucy, my child what are you doing here? Why are you crying" Master asked with a concerned look on his face.
"M-Master, I-I'd like too L-Leave the G-Guild...." Lucy began too cry
Master walked up too Lucy and held booth of her hands.
"Are you sure about this, my child?" Master said while wiping her tears.
"P-Positive.." Lucy began to cry even more
"As you wish my child..."
Markarov put both of his hands on Lucy's guild emblem. He started to chant a spell, the guild emblem started to fade away and it'd sparkle as it entered the air.
"Thank you Mas-Markarov.." Lucy said while wiping her tears away
"Good Luck on your joinery, Lucy.."
Lucy put up her right hand and pointed her pointer finger into the air. For the last time..... Markarov did the same thing back.
"It will be, an eternal adventure..." Lucy then left in tears

Lucy went out another window, jumps from a high distance she transformed into her wolf form too take less damage. She went went back into her human form.
Open! Gate of the Maid!
Virgo then appeared
"Hello princess, will I be punished?" Virgo asked
"No, and you never will be. But can you please do me a favour and pack up my things for me please?" Lucy asked
"As you wish Princess."
Virgo disappeared into thin air and comes back under 5 minutes
"All done Princess!"
"Thank you Virgo!" Lucy smiled
"Will I be punished?" Virgo asked
"No, you are my family, there's no way in Hell I'd hurt you or the rest of my family!"
Virgo then disappeared
Lucy then went back home and started to write letters to people..

Dear Wendy/Carla/Happy/Levy/Gajeel/PantherLily,
Thank you for being with me through the whole thing. You guys have been a huge part of my life. But as you know, my life can't be a happy ending like every fairy tale.... I left Fairy Tail. And I'm moving too.... I love you guys so much, don't worry I'll tell you everything once I move.... I love you all. Have fun in Fairy Tail!

Open! Gate of the Lion! Leo!

Loke/Leo appeared

"Hello beautiful" Loke winked
"Hey Loke! Can you please do me a favour and deliver these letters to these people please?" Lucy asked
"Of corse M'Lady" Loke grabbed two letters and went to go deliver them. He came back after 2-5 minutes
"Thank you Loke! You can go back now!" Lucy smiled
"Anytime Beautiful" Loke disappeared

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door....

To be Continued......

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