D-Don't. Come. Near. Me....

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*At the Guild (After the Fight)*

"Shhhh, Natsu. She'll be alright, I mean she is the Princess of the Wolfsouls. Something that all the humans want to get rid of......" Lisanna said aloud
"LISANNA! GO HOME!" Mira yelled
"B-But I-"
"NOW!" Mira yelled again
Lisanna then left the guild
"I'm here!" Wendy shouted
"Great! Now please heal her!" Erza asked
"I'll try my best!"
Wendy then placed both of her arms above Lucy's chest. Blue light started to come from Wendy's hand and started to heal her.
Lucy injuries were slowly healing but not enough for her to survive.
Natsu carefully picked her up bridle style and ran into the infirmary. He slowly placed Lucy down.
"Natsu, you have to get out please." Mira asked
"YES YOU ARE!" Erza then punches Natsu in the stomach. Natsu collapses onto the floor.
"You didn't have too do it that hard you no" Wendy giggled
"It's tough to make him listen." Erza picked up Natsu's left leg and dragged him out of the room.

*In Lucy's Mind*
"Lucy.........." A soft voice came
"W-Who's there?!?" Lucy then started to freak out
"Don't worry, you know me. Right?" The soft voice became even louder
"M-Mother?" Lucy stuttered
"Yes, Yes it is my child."
"W-Wait. That scent......" Lucy mumbled
"ZEREF!!" Lucy yelled
"Well, took you long enough. Especially because your a wolf." Zeref chuckled
"S-SHUT UP!" Lucy yelled again
"Well, Princess. I don't think I need to call you that anymore."
"Well, because your mother is dead, you are the queen. Of wolves!"
"N-No W-Way..."
"I'll let you be." Zeref left
"NO! YOU'RE LYING!" Lucy cried
"Good bye my Princess, or shall I say. See you later, my Queen....."

*1 Week later*

Lucy starts too wake up, with tears in her eyes. She looks around, she sees the same tings in the same spots because she's been her so many times, either she was visiting a friend *AKA Natsu* or she was the one who got hurt.
She looks in the mirror beside her, with bandages everywhere and one huge bandage around her stomach. She quickly dries her tears and the doors fly open.
"LUSHY!!!" Happy yelled
Happy flew in full speed too Lucy and hugged her like she was about to die.
"Ouch! Happy! Be gentle!" Lucy laughed
"LUSHY! ARE YOU OK?!" Happy cried
"I am, don't worry about me." Lucy said while petting him.
A couple more people came in, Levy, Gajeel, Panterlily, Carla, Wendy, and Mira. Really the only people that actually cared about her.
"LU-CHAN!" Levy cried and gave her a huge hug
"LUCY-SAN!" Wendy cried and did the same as Levy.
"Gihi, Looks like Bunny Girl is awake." Gajeel laughed
"Welcome Back Lucy!" She walked slowly to Lucy and joined the group hug.
"LU-CHAN! I have so many new book recommendations for you!" Levy cried
"Well, looks like I'll be busy this summer!" Lucy giggled
"You know Bunny Girl. It's finally nice to see you smile!" Gajeel said
"Looks like someone is finally getting feelings!" Pantherlily chuckled
"OI!"Gajeel blushed

Team Natsu then walked through the door. Gray, Erza, and Natsu came.

Lucy's smile suddenly began to fade away.

"Great! Look what you did flamebrain! You removed her smile!" Gajeel yelled
Natsu ignored Gajeel. He slowly walked to Lucy, but.
"Don't." Lucy said
"W-What?" Natsu asked
"Don't. Come. Near. Me" Lucy finished her sentence
"B-But Lucy, I'm on your team? Aren't I?" Natsu asked
"W-What?! Y-You kicked me off of the team! You re-placed me with Lisanna. You turned the whole guild against me! Luckily Happy, Carla, Panthelily, Levy-Chan, Wendy, and Gajeel stayed with me!"Lucy began to cry.
"L-Look, I know what I've done, B-"
"But nothing Natsu! Saying sorry isn't going to fix anything! You know, Lisanna. She isn't the angel you think she is, she the one who attacks me, but guess what?! You let her get away with it!!" Lucy cried
"Lucy, calm down. Just listen wha-"
"Shut it Titania!! You have no clue of what the whole guild has done to me! E-Even you...... I thought that you were my big sister. A role model, but it looks like that some people from Fairy Tail just put stupid Labels on us, so called "Weaklings" That nick-name has been stuck with me ever since Lisanna came back!!"Lucy cried
"Lucy, it took us a lot of guts to even come here to sa-"
"So are you finally feeling bad for me Gray? Is it really that hard to say sorry to someone that you knew for a long time? Or is it just because you bullied me too and it's hard to say sorry. Or do you just want to do it for the sake of the guild?!" Lucy cried
"Lucy, I think you should sto-"
"Stop what Natsu? You see, I tell you to stop making fun of me or bully me with Lisanna so many times. And you're telling me to stop just because I said 3 or 4 mean things about you?" Lucy cried
"You guys should go..." Levy said
She went to Erza, Gray, and Natsu and pushed them outside.
"We'll give you your rest." Wendy said
They all leave and follow Levy to team Natsu
Lucy falls asleep for another hour or 2

To be Continued....

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