The Pain and The Warning

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I felled something tickling my nose I moved my head to try and make it go away but it didn't. I opened my eyes as soon as I opened them I was blinded by an bright pink light. I closed my eyes and sat up I reopened them and looked around everything here is so bright it can blind me if I fully open my eyes. The blue glowing butterfly's scared me little as they fly around me and land on my shoulders, head, and the flower crown. Why is it still on my head everytime I wake up in this area or dream or even an nightmare it is always on my head I want to take it off but I am scared to do so I looked down and notice that I am barefooted walking in an field of pink flowers,glowing yellow and blue butterfly's flying above the flowers peacefully until they landed on all of them and staired at me. I looked up and see the same cherry blossom tree the longer I look the more wavy my vision gets and I started to lose balance. Then everything stared shaking I felt pain in my head, in my stomach, and in my chest the next thing I saw was pink petals and butterfly's coming out of my mouth then I felt cold. I felt like I just threw up my heart. I felt like I just died.

I shot up as soon I opened my eyes I was sweating and having difficulty breathing. I felt underneath me I was in my bed how? I am also in my bedroom what's going on here? I looked outside looking at the stars as I think about what had tooked place. How long was I asleep for? I notice that everytime in my room is in the same spot they were in before I passed out I was about to get up when an shock wave of pain hit my stomach. I held on to it trying my best not to scream it was so painful that I can't even move or get back in my bed I slowly turned to lay back down when another wave of pain hit my legs not again but it's 10x's worse this time the last time wasn't that bad. I can barely move my legs it just then my vision stared to spin and my breathing is becoming swallow I didn't know what to do everyone is probably asleep by now but it's worth a shot. I was about to yell for Rap Monster but then I felt exhausted my eyes threatening to close my body threatening to fall on the floor I laid back down and grabbed my blanket and fell asleep again trying to ignore the pain. This time I was surrounded in darkness nothing else what people who sleep should see.

I wake up to banging on my door. I didn't feel like getting up it's to early for this I looked at my clock I am the only one who has an clock secretly as a clock because I like looking at the clouds not the sun. I tooked notice of the time it's almost time for breakfast I got up and got myself ready for today I fixed my hair and the only pair of close I have I kept my white shirt hanging out I usually tuck it in my pants but I am in an rush to make breakfast so V doesn't "die" from hunger. I was about to walk out of the bathroom when I saw something under my right eye it's black I try to wash it off but it wouldn't come off hopefully none of them would notice it. I ran into the kitchen ignoring all of the surprise looks they give me probably because I didn't tuck my shirt in or the way I ran down the steps like something was chasing me.

(To lazy to right morning crap)

I went to the bathroom to look at my right eye. It's still there I notice that it's starting to spread. I also notice that its cracks maybe if I asked Rap Monster about this he can get rid of it. But I didn't know that it causes pain to me when I asked for help my eye was hurting so much that tears started to slide out bloody tears.
"I wouldn't asked for help from no one. Just stop please." I whispered.
The pain stopped and with that I walked out of the bathroom and acted like nothing ever happened.

I went up to my bedroom and sat on my bed the pain in my feet started to return. The pain just started giving enough time to walk over to the window. I pulled out an chair and sat down I watched the clouds but what got me confused is that everyone was outside. Jimin, Jungkook, V, and J-hope are the only ones that go out side maybe they found something or talking about something I see V is still injured from the "Purple Petal Bullet" at least that what we are calling it. I turned to my pink flower it really beautiful on how it gazes in the sunlight I felt another shock of pain going thru but it's now in my hands the pain is causing them to shake and turn red I try to keep my scream in as I felt my left hand bones or bone snap out of place. I got up and just then my legs lost all sense and fell I stop myself before hiting my face on the floor. I used my only good hand to crawl up on my bed I made it before me right hand fingers had snap backwards I couldn't take it anymore. I screamed and cried. I continued this loop until the shock of pain went in my head.

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