Old News

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I looked at Khi as we got dressed to go meet up with James. It had been a week and I figured it was time to tell him I was engaged to Mano. Khi was only coming along because she didn’t want him to put his hands on me like last time. I only had to work from 8 – 2 today so I came over straight after work.

“Stop looking at me Yazmine.” She commented throwing her pillow at my face.

“How you know I was looking at you?” I laughed.

“I could feel your stare in the back of my head. What Yazmine?”

“I just think you should stay here with Hood and the kids. There’s no reason for you to miss a lil family time especially with last night’s events.”

“Yaz those quadruplets are going to be fine. I just know it.” She said smiling.

Khi pulled the crop top down as she let the suspenders hang off her jean overall shorts. I had on a thin strapped purple on the top black on the bottom dress with my black platform booties with the thick heel. After throwing on my jewelry and she put on her chucks we went down the steps.

Hood pulled Khi onto his lap as she went to walk pass him not even noticing that he was sitting on the couch by the door.

He whispered something in her ear that had her giggling. I rolled my eyes at them and went to go play with the kids. Ja’ima was playing with Gracie while Jr and Kenzie were napping. After helping Ja’ima beat up Gracie I noticed Khi was still in her husband’s lap with him still whispering in her ear.

“Come on Khi man, you gone see him in an hour or less dang.”

James was sitting in the living room with Renee on his lap watching Spongebob Squarepants. “Hi boo.” I said kissing on Renee’s cheek.

“What y’all doing here?” James asked still looking at the tv.

“We need to talk, Khi wanted to come see Renee.” I said coming up with an excuse.

“Yeah okay.” He said as he let Khi grab Renee’s hand.

“James can you cut off the TV.”

He huffed before doing as I asked. Ole immature ass.

“So you know how I’ve been dating Mano?”

He mugged me hard.

“He asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

“Why the hell would you do that? You know you ain’t even gone make it to the wedding rehearsal. You not one to stick with a commitment Yaz and we both know ole dude ain’t right for you.”

“You know I’m getting so tired of you trying to tell me about Yaz. I love Mano James and I’m done explaining myself to you. Either you accept it or you don’t but I will not allow you to keep disrespecting my relationship. I’m marrying Mano with or without your blessing.”

He got up and stomped out of the room. Khi came out of Renee’s room frowning.

“I’m guessing that didn’t go to well.”

“Of course not. But what the hell could we expect out of James ole stubborn ass.”

After dropping her at home I went to the police station. I sat in my car just looking up at it. It had been years since I stepped foot in a police station. Not since my father died.

I stepped into the station and walked straight to the front desk. A woman was sitting there looking bored as she stared at the computer screen.

“How can I help you?”

“Hi I was wondering if Officer Mano was in.” Her head snapped up to look at me and an instant glare formed.

“Who are you?”

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