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My breath got caught in my throat. Unknownst to me was that tears had started to escape from my eyes.

"Sir, sir. Are you okay?" Haenim used both of her hands to give his chest a firm nudge.

I stood there. I know I should have done something to help, but my feet stayed planted on the spot as my mind wandered elsewhere.

Was I like that when I was hit by the car?

There was so much blood. So much. I couldn't bear to picture myself over a year ago, sprawled out on the road...

"I understand. Yes. Please be prepared... No you don't understand, he's losing a lot of blood.."

After taking a moment to clear my mind, I willed myself to walk over to Haenim to provide as much help as I can.


"... Dalnim." Beads of sweat were forming at her temples. "We have to fetch him to a hospital."

"What about an ambulance?"

"No time." She mummured while hoisting him up and suporting him on one of her shoulders. Instinctively, I went over and wrapped his other arm around mine.

Once we managed to huddle out of the building and settle him gently into the back seat, Haenim was driving at record speed towards the hospital.

I was sitting in the back seat, pressing a cloth to the big gash across his forehead.

"Apply pressure, not 100% strength, maybe around 75%, just enough to slow down blood loss." She tore out a piece of flannel from her jacket and thrusted it towards me.

Haenim's instructions kept on ringing in my mind as the cloth started forming blotches of red at snail's speed.

The rate of blood loss was not fast of course. But Haenim had said that every second counts for a patient.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grasp mine. I turned my gaze from the window towards the boy, who stared back at me.

"Haenim?" Worry started to seep through me. Seconds had past and I was beginning to think that she hadn't heard my call for help through concentrating on making it to the hospital quickly. And safely.

"Urm.." The boy was still staring. "We're going to help you. You're hurt." I made sure to prnounce every word clearly as I could, and as reassuring as I could.

Still looking dazed, I continued, "We're bringing you to a hospital."

Something must have clicked because he started to show signs of discomfort and stress. He even managed to make out a soft "No" after much grimacing.

"Haenim?" I raised my voice a little, hoping she heard me this time.

"Yeah? We're almost there. A little while longer."

"Urm. He doesn't want to go to the hospital."

"What?" From the rearview mirror, I could see the reflection of Haenim's eyes widen for a second before her brain started wracking out the questions.

"What do you mean? He's woken up? Why doesn't he want to go to a hospital?"

"I don't know.. Yes, he woke up. And he said he didn't want to go."

"Dalnim he's being delirious. We're still going to the hospital."


The car remained silent for awhile. This was the first time the boy had decided to say something close to the volume of a shout.

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