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Chapter Two
I drove beside Mom at another one of my father's races. After what Ethan said about Dad retiring soon, it got me thinking. I want to be here for all of his last races. I know I said I could never see him retiring, but he can't race forever. "Hey, Little Red." Mom greeted, using my nickname.

"Hey." I smiled, staring at the track as the racers zoomed by, echoing around us. I could almost feel the wind blowing against us.

"So, what made you want to come to Ohio today?" She asked, trying to make small talk over the roaring crowd.

"Don't know. Just felt like coming." I replied, shrugging my tires. Mom didn't need to know my reasons. If I told her, she would just tell me not to worry and etc.

"Well, I know your father loves seeing you out here supporting him." She stated, a soft smile present on her face. I nodded my head as my blue eyes caught sight of a new racer.

"Mom, who's that?" I asked. I had never seen him before and I had been coming to races almost my whole life. I've seen racers come and go, but this guy looked different. He almost sent shivers down my spine just looking at him.

"Umm, I don't know." She mumbled as she drove closer into our pit. I followed behind her, confused by her sudden change. Usually Mom was never worried about other racers.

"Flo, do you know who #20 is?" Mom asked, gathering the attention of the rest of the town. (Literally.) Everyone looked towards the screen, seeing the sleek black car near the back.

Everyone began talking over each other, all of them saying they'd never seen him before. Before we knew it, the yellow flag was waved and Dad came rolling into the pits, a smile plastered on his face. "Guido!" He cheered.

Guido quickly got to work as everyone else did their jobs. We didn't think Dad needed to know about the new racer. "Doin' great out there, Stickers!" Mom cheered.

"Thanks, Sal." He smiled as Guido pushed him away. He winked at my mother as he zoomed off, taking his place in the lead. I wanted to watch my dad, really, but something about that #20 made my stomach hurt. No matter how hard I tried to keep my eyes on my father, I kept finding myself watching that black and blue car.

"McQueen is in the lead, Swift in second, and Weathers in third as we enter the final turn." Bob announced, making me turn to look back at my father and all of his friends. Their smiles were wide as they tried to pass my father.

"This is going to be another great win for McQueen!" Darrell added. Soon, I watched #20 move up towards the front, passing every singe car. In the last second, he passed my father, taking first place. "Unbelievable! Lightning McQueen has been passed, taking second place!" Darrell shouted.

The crowd began to roar, sounding like a jet plane. The place was going insane as the racers made their way off of the track. Cars were freaking out, all of them confused about what happened. #20 was in last place just a few laps ago. How did he win?

"Darrell, we haven't seen someone pass the finish line with that kind of power since the young Lightning McQueen." Bob added, giving us a more informative response. All of us turned towards the awards stand, watching #20 take his place.

We drove close to my father, ready to get some answers, but he looked just as confused as us. "Bobby, Cal, who's that?" Dad asked as his friends drove up behind him.

"That's um, Jackson Storm. He's part of the New Generation of racers." Bobby answered. Camera flashes were everywhere as everyone tried to get a shot of Jackson. We watched as Dad drove to him. "Hey, good race out there today." Dad congratulated, like he always does.

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