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Chapter Seven
"Come on! We're burning daylight!" Dad commanded as he drove us to the beach. It was a fresh start for Team McQueen. Dad was going to train the way he wanted to. The only problem he had with it was dragging along his personal coach, Cruz.

"The sun hasn't even risen yet. How can we burn daylight before we can even see it?" I yawned, following behind him. Ethan, Luigi, and Cruz were stumbling behind me. It was super early.

Dad ignored my comment and continued on. Eventually, we reached the perfect racing spot. No one was around and the path was a clear straight away. Dad could easily track his speed here.

Cruz trailed as she carried around a huge trailer. Ethan offered to tow it for her, but she refused. To be honest, I had no idea what it was for. It was just big and heavy. She dragged it through the sand, mumbling about how this was her workout for the day.

Ethan, Luigi, and I stood on the sidelines, watching Cruz and Dad set everything up. They were arguing about something, but I couldn't care less to listen. My eyes start to droop and I could feel myself falling asleep. "Stella!" Dad shouted, waking me up.

"What?" I stuttered, wiping my drool off of my chin. The sun was now rising in light pink as he rolled his eyes at me.

"Don't fall asleep on me," he scolded. "Anyways, come here and tell Cruz that I will not be tracking my speed on this machine."

I rolled my eyes and drove near them. Why was dad being so stubborn? Maybe if he would listen to Cruz he could actually get better. "Dad, why don't you just listen to her? Sterling wouldn't have assigned her to you if he didn't trust her."

"Mr. McQueen, I just want to help. I want to see you back on that race track." Cruz added.

Dad let out a sigh and looked around, thinking about it. "Isn't there another way to track me?" He asked, sounding a lot calmer.

"I suppose I could just use Hamilton." She replied, nodding her head.


"Hamilton. Ya know, he's in your phone." She explained, pointing to his lightning bolt. Dad scoffed and looked at Cruz.

"Race cars don't have phones, Cruz." He stated, sounding like it was obvious. If Dad was given a phone, I know he would have been obsessed. That's why Sterling didn't give him one.

"Here, I'll keep up to speed with you and we'll see how fast you can go, okay?" Cruz offered. Dad nodded his head, liking the idea "Stella can race with us, too." She added.

"No, no. That's okay." I refused. Dad smirked at me.

"Come on, Stel. You know you want to." He smiled, egging me on.

"Actually, I'd rather just watch," I replied, feeling a blush form on my cheeks. I was beginning to feel embarrassed. I didn't want to race, at least not in public. I wasn't good, at all.

"Come on, Little Red. It's just for fun. Let's just see how fast you can go." Dad grinned, hoping I would join them. Cruz nodded her head, smiling at me. Ethan and Luigi cheered from the sidelines, wanting me to try.

I let out a little sigh. "Fine," I stated in defeat. Dad cheered and let me go between him and Cruz. "This is going to be so unfair." I groaned.

"How?" Cruz asked.

"I'm competing against two racers. One a professional and one a coach. I'm totally going to lose." I softly laughed. Dad shook his head and rolled his eyes playfully.

"You'll do fine. You're a McQueen. You can handle anything." He fired back, making me laugh. Luigi jumped in front of us, waving his flag.

"On your marks! Get set! Go!" He shouted. Dad and I sped off, chasing each other to the finish line. He barely beat me, laughing as we crossed under the bridge. To be honest, I didn't know I could go that fast.

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