The Hungry

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The Seirin team had already left the court and all the spectators left in a hurry, loudly chatting among themselves about the games that saw. Tōō Academy followed Imayoshi into the locker room, however, Aomine stood in the middle of the court, his eyes closed but his senses drifting back to the previous game. The exhilaration and excitement Kagami had elicited had set a new fire to his obsession with basketball. It suddenly felt like yesterday when he would always go to the streetball court with Satsuki and find someone stronger than himself to play. In those times he did not have to worry about anything else but doing his best.

But this previous game wasn't like anything else he had experience. A new high in life he could not possibly achieve on his own. Kagami's wild grin near the end of the match and the fiery determination he possessed melted Aomine's, heart. The ice which once encased it stood no chance against the absolute resolution his new rival held. He envied it, the relationship between Kagami and basketball was stronger than his. He wanted to have that relationship, but he did not know how. Maybe he needed to try harder in games, maybe it was a mental mindset type thing he sees on television when idiots spout inspirational nonsense. But he knew it wasn't that. Maybe he needed to train even harder to get into the love of basketball, attend practices. But his head shook in despair, he had already tried that and it ended in a heated argument with Wakamatsu, who could not handle his arrogant talk about winning so easily, which was turning violent quickly.

His head spun and produced an image of Kagami with the ball, this scarlet eyes burrowing into his own making his heart speed to vigorous pace. That was his answer, it was right in front of him in the game. He just needed Kagami to somehow agree to play with Aomine whenever. 'I'll take you on' a voice filtered into his head, silencing his whirlwind of thoughts. It seems Kagami had already laid out his deal for Aomine. He would just use Kagami's words and make it look like it was his own idea. After all, if it keeps Aomine from saying 'please' he would exploit the hell out of it.

"Dai-chan?" Satsuki with the rest of his team all standing behind her smiled at him, it was a different aura than before. It wasn't the usual 'we have to do this because Satsuki forced us to stay' but more of a comforting smile. It annoyed him. They were acting as if this one defeat had him broken. Like he would malfunction if he lost to anyone.

"What's with that look?" He growled at everyone, he knew they were pitying him. He didn't need pity.

"I got your stuff for you...are you okay? Dai-chan?" Her voice slow, as if stepping on thin ice.

"I'm not a girl who was dumped by her boyfriend! So stop with a pity party." Aomine continued with a glare his body tense as he glowered at everyone. "I just..." Aomine turned to the court, "found my equal...".He muttered to himself, but the empty stadium made his voice echo and everyone stared at their ace in shock.

"Are you free tomorrow Satsuki?" The analyst answered a 'yes' unevenly.

"Will you go basketball shoe shopping with me?" Satsuki stared in shock, her voice failing her fresh tears tracked down her cheeks.

"Oye don't cry! You don't have to go if you don't want to!" Aomine stuttered out of character, not sure as to why his childhood friend was crying for.

"No," Satsuki answered while wiping down her eyes and smiling in relief. "I'm glad you're back." Aomine frowned.

"I don't go anywhere thou." Satsuki waved him off and threw his sweatshirt at him.

"I'll carry your bag, so come on, Dai-chan." She smiled differently as if excited something new was going to happen. Aomine watched her, it was strange that Satsuki would carry his bag voluntarily, he would normally have to throw it to her and then she would throw it to the ground and parade all over it. Sometimes even cutting out the middle man when in a sour mood and not bothering to catch it at all. Imayoshi hawked at Aomine, more discreetly than the others in the team, and pushed his glasses into a more comfortable position, it was a tic he had picked up whenever he was thinking or unsure of something he would fiddle with the position of his glasses. Right now he was fascinated by Aomine's words, if not already interested by the new player on the board- Kagami Taiga.

"I want free dinner! Aomine's treat everyone!" Aomine paused and refuted Satsuki's sudden demand.

"Aye! When did I say yes to that?" Everyone patted the blued haired player on the back and thanked him, ignoring his outburst. Leaving only Imayoshi behind.

"I have left Wakamatsu in charge so don't cause trouble." Aomine groaned and grabbed Imayoshi and shook him hard.

"Why him of all members of the team!?" Imayoshi chuckled lightly and readjusted his glasses, having slipped slightly on his nose amidst all the shaking.

"I'm sure I don't need to explain to you why Wakamatsu is a good choice." Imayoshi brushed off Aomine's hands from his shoulder and returned a light pat on the shoulder. "I'm sure you will think of something like you always do." Imayoshi chuckled, but his voice more amused.

"You did this because of me! Do you want to piss me off? I'll kill you!" Aomine tried to come up with a logical explanation as to why Wakamatsu was put in the seat of Captain and all he could think was that Imayoshi was a sadist bastard who knew how to make a lasting impression on people's life's before he left.

"Shit and I have to pay for dinner..." Aomine huffed, fatigue once again affecting him. "Guess no dinner today." He ended and followed Imayoshi out.

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