1 | come on baby

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sex | come on baby

As the moans escaped his mouth, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, the electricity sending shivers up his spine and a tingly feeling throughout the rest of his body.

He sighed in relaxation and stretched his legs out, grabbing a tissue to clean up after his mess. Quivering from the coldness of his room, he exited the tabs and shut his laptop, tossing it somewhere on his bed and threw the now dirty towel in with the rest of his dirty laundry.

Luke huffed as he sat up, dangling his long legs off the side of his bed. He quickly threw his clothes on, and a snapback on his head, and grabbed his keys on the way out of his room.

He stopped by the bathroom to wash up his hands and brush his teeth before stumbling down the stairs. As he entered the kitchen, his eyes met the ones of his mum, who sat at the kitchen table sipping a cup of coffee with his stepdad whose eyes roamed the words printed on the daily newspaper, his glasses sat along the tip of his nose.

"Good morning, sunshine." Liz called, her eyes trailing the boy as he grabbed a piece of toast, shoving it in his mouth as he poured a mug of hot coffee. Luke huffed, not minding his mothers ramblings as he tread his way out the door.

He jumped into his car, inserting the keys into the ignition and starting it, and quickly turning the heat up.

He plugged his phone into the aux, the sound suddenly filling his car with the words and melodies of Fall Out Boy's Folie à Deux as he pulled out of his driveway and sped off onto the road.

The sun was already out and shone brightly, hitting the body of his black car, and practically baking his black leather seats so that they were burning to the touch.

Traffic was slow today, unlike most days, where Luke would speed off to class, barely ever needing to stop for red lights just cause he was going so fast. If his mum knew he did exactly this, he'd end up dead faster than he could speed away.


Arriving just on time for class, Luke sat in his usual spot: the chair at the way back of the lecture hall, against the wall. He leaned his head back, fiddling his hands on the desk in front of him.

Class went on and Luke went in and out of focus, sometimes examining other students and their body language. In his mind, he would make up the stories of their lives, and maybe sometimes he would use them as characters in the stories he wrote. Of course, not before changing their names and making them less obvious.

At the end of class, he would always be the first one out of the hall, since he was closest to the door.

Making his way to his car, he pulled out his cellphone from his back pocket and dialed a number.

"Hey, I just wanted to know if you wanna meet up. I just got out of class."

"Come on, baby. I'll bring you lunch."

"Fuck, awesome. I'll see you in an hour."

He smiled as he ended the call, tossing his phone onto the passenger seat. He backed out of the parking space, and yet again sped off onto the road.

Word Count: 569

A short introduction to my new story. Just wanted to give y'all a sneak peek of Luke's character. He's kind of careless, has that typical 'I-don't-give-a-shit-cause-I'm-a-bad-boy' attitude. I wanted to do something different bc in my other story, if you've read it, Luke is kind of a sweetheart and I wanted to challenge myself to write something more intense.

In the next chapter you'll be able to meet the person in the mystery phone call, and maybe some of Luke's friends, who are a lot nicer than him.




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