2 | solve my problems

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sex | solve my problems

His breath hitched as he reached his climax. The moans got softer, and the breathing harder. Soon, she was collapsed next to him. All sweaty and tired, Luke laughed.

"How's that for lunch?" He smirked, propping himself up on either elbow, to look over to her. "Yeah, you still owe me that." She scoffed, rolling her eyes at the same time.

Kat Allen, Luke's old classmate from high school, now longtime fuckbuddy, lay breathless next to him. Her blonde hair all knotted and tangled up, and sweat dripping from her brow.

"Hey, we made a deal." He spoke, sliding his long legs off the edge of the bed. "Yeah, I don't know about that deal anymore." Kat shrugged.

"What do you mean, you don't know about that deal anymore?" Luke said, staring back at her with a quizzing look. She shrugged once more. His jeans were on halfway when she finally responded. "Well, there's this guy."

"What guy? Do I know him?" Luke questioned, jumping up to get his jeans on up his legs. They were really too long.

"I don't know, maybe. It's not important. Or it is. But like I said, I don't know if I can keep doing this, Lukey." She sighed, running her fingers to comb out her messy hair.

"Fuck you, I have needs." Luke spat angrily, pulling his shirt over his head. "What do you mean, fuck you? I've been doing this for months now." Kat exclaimed, a draining laugh escaping her lips. "Don't you ever think what this does to a person? If you have needs then you need to get them somewhere else."

Luke huffed, shoving his feet into his tattered black converse.

"I've been your best friend for years now, and if all I am to you now is your sex toy, I don't think I can be either." Kat sighed.

"I'm sorry Kat, I didn't mean it like that." Luke frowned. "Whatever, Lucas."

"C'mon, I'm sorry." He said, sitting gingerly at the opposite side of the bed. "I think you should just leave." Kat muttered, turning her attention towards her phone, which lit up with a new text.

Luke huffed, walking out the door of Kat's bedroom and through the rest of her apartment until he reached the front door.

Luke was annoyed, to say the least. He felt like he had just gone through a break up, but it was quite the opposite as the two weren't exclusive at all. All it was was sex. So maybe not exactly a relationship breakup, but a friendship breakup.

He had no idea what he was going to do now, so he decided to pull up to his other best friend, Michael's house.

Michael Clifford, Luke's best friend since the 4th grade, guitar player—or shredder, because he just so happens to be really, really good at it—and local nice guy. Seriously, this guy is a sweetie. The total opposite of Luke.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Michael yelled, his eyes fixated on the screen in front of him. His fingers mashed buttons, and his grip held so tightly on the controller that it seemed as if it would break in half if he held it like that any longer. "C'mon, Michael. Can you put that down for a fucking second? I have actual real life problems here!" Luke shouted over the volume of Michael's game.

"Okay, man, it's not going to take much longer I'm almost- ah FUCK!" Michael blabbered, on the screen was his character shown shot down.

"Honestly, you're a loser." Luke scowled. "And you're really fucking mean." Michael huffed, pausing his game and throwing the controller somewhere.

"What is it now, Lucas?" Michael groaned, standing up from the floor of his bedroom, and walking over to the desk on the opposite side of the room.

"Well, for starters, Kat probably hates me now, making me deprived of sex for who knows how long," Luke ranted, fluffing his hair up. "I need to find someone new." He shrugged.

"How is that an actual problem? I've got no job anymore and I'm running out of money in the bank to pay my part of the goddamn rent." Michael scoffed, looking at the curly-haired boy head on. He sighed, "Look, maybe you wouldn't have this problem if you had actual feelings and emotions, and maybe an actual girlfriend."

"That is the worst piece of advice you've ever given to me." Luke moaned, the wise words of the bleach-headed boy not satisfying him whatsoever. "It's actually not, you're just too stupid and immature to take it."

"Take that back, you fuc-" Luke shouted. "Hey, what's going on in here lads?" A loud voice barged into the room.

"Oh, the usual. Luke being an idiot and me trying to help him with his problems." Michael shrugged, spinning in his office chair. "Oh, alright then carry on," Calum smirked.

Calum Hood, also part of Luke's friend group, was a charming boy. He could get any girl to fall for him, especially with the words that came out of his mouth.

"You're not helping." Luke remarked, his hand shoo-ing the boy away.

"All I'm saying is, find an actual girlfriend. That's the only way you're ever gonna solve this problem." Michael suggested, rolling his chair across the room.

"Actually, maybe develop feelings first."

Word Count: 892

How's that for another chapter?

What do you think of the character profiles? I feel like it gives you a sense of who they are as people without straying too far from the storyline.

So it goes, Luke is still an asshole. Poor Kat. And Michael. And Calum.

I would really appreciate the feedback on this story so far. What do you think of it? How can I improve it? Longer chapters? More dialogue? You tell me.

Don't forget to vote plssss bc 1 vote feeds 1 starving artist.



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