4 | ocean eyes

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sex | ocean eyes

Clearly, his plan pulled through, because the next morning he woke up in a foreign room, next to a sleeping figure.

His arm was draped over this girl, and his clothes were nowhere to be found. He took the time to examine his surroundings, before reaching over to the dark wood bedside table to grab his phone. His thumb slid over the home button, the lockscreen lighting up to display the time, 8:52 am, and a picture of a puppy behind it.

He laid in bed for quite some time before removing himself from her sleeping body, and searching the room for his clothes. He quickly put them on before quietly marching into the bathroom at the opposite side of the room.

As he stared at his reflection for a few seconds, he grimaced at the sight. His t-shirt clearly stained of some kind of alcohol, and his mop of hair going in all directions. He deduced that his breath must've been horrible too, so he rinsed his mouth out with the tap, as he was too shy to look for a spare toothbrush.

After he finished up grooming himself to some extent, he heard the now awake girl stumble outside of the locked bathroom.

He quickly yanked the door open, startling her.

"Shit, I thought you left." She exclaimed, Luke's eyes suddenly growing in size when he realized she had absolutely nothing on. He immediately looked away, giving her as much privacy as he could, and trying to ignore the growing presence below him.

"Sorry! I'm sorry," He stuttered, his eyes glued shut and his large hands covering them as well. "I assumed you'd already put something on."

"Well, I assumed that you'd left." She remarked, her voice now distant. "You can stop doing that now." She added, Luke opening his eyes after a few seconds. She stood before him in a t-shirt that was probably 3 sizes too big for her small figure. Of course, she'd just rolled out of bed, so she looked like she did.

"Are you done in there?" She asked, placing a hand on her hip. He nodded vigorously, stepping out of her way and back into the large bedroom. She quickly pranced in, doing what he assumed was her daily morning routine. He watched gingerly as she carelessly tied her long brown hair into a messy bun that flopped about on her head as she moved around.

Before she could finish, he had already stood up and moved from his previous position and was now browsing through his phone, trying the most not to be too awkward.

"Do you need a toothbrush?" She called out to him, his head shooting up towards her. "If it's not a problem," He replied.

"Trust me, hygiene is no problem." She said, tossing the long, blue toothbrush towards him, who barely caught it. He nodded, taking himself to the sink, where he quickly brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth out. He breathed as he took one more look at himself, before flicking off the lightswitch and following her out to the main living area of the apartment? house? He wasn't sure.

"I'm surprised you didn't leave."

Luke shrugged. He was surprised, too. Usually when he spent nights like this with Kat, he'd be gone way before the sun came up.

He wasn't sure if it was the hangover talking, or something else.

"Well, take it or not, you're not like most of the guys I've hooked up with." She suggested, her figure was reaching up towards the cupboard filled with breakfast cereals, just barely reaching them. He noticed, and suddenly felt himself walking over to grab it, placing it on the countertop in front of her.

"Thanks, tall one."

"Tall one?" He smirked. "Sure." She replied, scooting away from him towards a dishwasher, which she opened, taking out a ceramic bowl which was a bright orange color. He leaned against the counter as he watched her pour the cereal, and the milk, and place the spoon in the bowl.

"So I don't usually offer them breakfast. But you can help yourself, if you want. From the way you've been staring at me for the past five minutes, I'm sure you've worked out where everything is." She smiled, taking her bowl and her phone with her to sit at one of the stools against the island opposite of Luke.

"Oh, I'm not a breakfast person." Luke sighed, his long body hopping up to sit on the counter he was previously leaning against. He rest his head against the cupboard, and dangled his legs off the countertop.

"How are you not a breakfast person?" She said, mid-chew, before swallowing. "That's ridiculous."

He shrugged.

The two of them sat for a while, in complete silence, looking through their phones.

"Skylar," A voice called. "I see, you've invited over one of your boy toys."

Luke looked up to see a boy, around the same age as him, or maybe older, clad in a fully plaid ensemble, presumably his pajamas. He had dirty blonde hair, more brownish than actual blonde, which curled up on his head. He looked quite small compared to Luke, because of his height, but was definitely more built than he.

"Shut up, Ashton," The girl groaned, standing up from the stool and walking over to the sink just a few feet away from where Luke sat.

Luke felt grateful for this Ashton guy, because if he hadn't came in, he wouldn't have remembered her name. Before that, it did not once cross his mind.

"You bring girls home all the time." She continued, talking over the running water as she washed her dish. "I know, little one." He said, rubbing the top of her head so now it was frizzing up.

"I'll take that as a sign that I should leave." Luke interrupted, sliding himself onto the floor. "I shouldn't overstay my welcome."

"Sure thing, ocean eyes."


Word Count: 994

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