A normal day

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Lucy POV

I sigh as I sit in the office of the magic council. The magic council comes in sad. "We have made a decision Lucy. You will be going to be joining Fairytail...." one of them say. My eyes brighten up and I hug them all really tight. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH! When will I be going?" I ask them. Honestly I'm the only one who can really hug them. "You leave in one hour and you will arrive there in one hour so go pack. We'll miss you and this is what you've always wanted so here's your chance...go now or we might start to cry" another one of them say and I hug them one last time and leave. I CANNOT BELIEVE IM GOING TO JOING THEM!

Master Makorov POV

I go check the mail. Magazine...magazines...bills...a "A LETTER FROM THE MAGIC COUNCIL?!?!" I yell and take it inside.

I sit on the table of the bar and Mira behind me. "Do you think it's another report?" She asks curious. I open it and read...

Dear Master of Fairytail,

We trust you to keep, Maiden Of Magic, with you. Remember,she is the 4th wizard saint so treat her with respect. She will be joining your guild cause it has been her dream. So don't break her dream...

                             The Magic Council

P.S: she's coming in an hour

My jaw goes wide open and I was speechless. I look at Mira and she was speechless too. "Do you think they're messing with us?" She asks. "No. They seem serious...so we better make the guild MAN UP!" I say. I stand up "LISTENING UP BRATS!! IN ONE HOUR THE 4TH WIZARD SAINT WILL BE JOING THE GUILD SO I WANT THIS GUILD TO BE CALM WHEN SHE COMES!! GOT IT!!" I yell and they nod ok...

Time skip when Lucy is outside the guild with her cloak on with the hood and Lucy POV

I kick down the doors of the guild and everything went silent. Then I realize that everyone was staring at me. "Uh.......where's the master's office?" I ask. A girl with pure white hair and a pink dress on point to the door upstairs. "Thanks!" I say and go up the stairs. Once I shut the door I hear everyone go to the door. "Hello there" the master says. "Oh hi! Do you happen to remember me as a child Makorov?" I ask. "Sorry but no..." he says.

"Never mind that but........can I join your guild? It's been a dream of mine and my brother knew this this guild but sadly isn't part of it. But can I?" I ask like a child. And my hood comes off. "Ok but who is your brother?" He asks.

"People judge of who he is so I don't like to tell other people of him" I say shyly. "Ok.....go to the girl with long white hair at the bar to give your mark. Welcome to Fairytail" he says and I hug him. "Thank you!" I say and let go. I open the door and see everyone. And walk downstairs. We go to the white hair girl. "Hi! My name Mira and what is your name?" She with a friendly smile.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you! I've never really had a friend before in 8 years! So I hope I can be friends with you!" I say and give her a smile. She looks at me shocked "How long did you not really have one?" She asks. "Like I said 8 years. I only had adult friends really. But I'm 18 so the Magic Council took me in when I was 10. But back to the guild mark!" I say. She nods ok "What color and where?" She asks. "Pink and on my right hand please!" I say. She stamps it and I look at a picture I have...

    I sigh remembering when the next time he will visit

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    I sigh remembering when the next time he will visit. "Staring at you're crush?" Mira asks. "No. It's me and my brother. I hardly get to be with him so I like to make the most of when he visits. He never really smiles so I like to try to make him laugh. In a week he's visiting and it's his birthday that day. I'm going to give him a gift that he would love. He taught this girl magic and ended up liking her when they were kids. When she died he would always visit her grave...he became gloomy. Sad all the time. So for his birthday I'm going to revive his friend.

I trained for years to learn to do it but I can only make her a ghost for a day. So at least he will be able to see her..." I say. She looks at me in awe. "Well that's nice! I have a younger sister and brother. They're really nice! I can tell you're kinda shy so do talk to them!" She says. "Sure! Who are they though?" I ask. She giggles and points to a boy and a girl with white hair. "Ok!" I say and walk over to them. I put the picture in the pocket of my shorts and yes I'm wearing shorts under my cloak. I walk to them and wave hi the them. "Hi there!" I say with a smile. "Hi! I can tell you talked to my sister. My name is Lisanna and this is my brother Elfman! What's you're name and do you have any siblings?" She says. "My name is Lucy and I have an older brother. I don't really tell people about him though cause he's accused for many stuff. He's visiting in a week for two days then after that I'll have to wait another 2 months" I say like it's nothing.

The sister of Zeref   <•Nalu•>Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя