Christmas Party

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"CONGRATS TO OUR SUCCESS!" Master yelled as he raised his jug everyone rose theirs'. But I don't drink. I was just at the bar with Natsu. I was drinking my usual smoothie and Natsu was eating a 5 course spicy dinner, which he had already finished a few seconds ago. "Natsu! Lucy! Come over here! We're playing truth or dare!" Mira said. Almost everyone was drunk! "Let's join in the fun Luce!" Natsu said as grabbed me by the arm to their little circle. Master and Cana were having a drinking contest. "Ok. Truth or dare Lucy?!" Drunk Cana said. "U-um. Dare!" I say. "Drink!" She yelled and handed me a jug of beer. "Drink! Drink! Drink!" They all chanted. I hesitated but drank all of it as quick as I could.

Third Person (cause she's drunk)

As once as they got to Natsu they said the unbelievable that Lucy's face went redder than before. "I dare you to drink two cups of beer!" Elfman said. It was surprising that he didn't say 'like a man!'. And by that, the whole guild was drunk as Hell. "Ok! Let's play a different game now that you're all drunk! I wrote numbers on popsicle sticks and and a crown on one stick. You guys know how to play so let's start!" Cana said and shook the can of sticks. She held the can out to every member to pick a stick. "HAHA! I'm the master! Now, 16 and 7, have to kiss!" Mira said. It just so happened that 7 was Levy and 16 was Gajeel. But they didn't hesitate since Levy just pulled him to her. They drew sticks again and it was Erza who was master. "Numbers 3 and 5.... need to pretend date for a month!" Wendy was 3 and Romeo was 5. It was weird for them cause they didn't even draw themselves. Since they were our cold from the beer. "We'll just tell them when they're awake. But meanwhile..." Cana said with a smirk. The two of them were only 15. Romeo older by months, but they couldn't hold beer in that long. So anyway, Cana pushed the two close together and made Romeo put his arm around her, as if it was an accident. "HAHAHA!! You're so mischievous Cana!," drunk Lucy Saudi
Many rounds later

"Ok last game!" Levy shouted. The master was Lisanna this time. "1 and 19 need to... go home together right now!" She said. The sneaky girl peaked at what numbers Lucy and Natsu were. "Oook~," Natsu said with a hiccup. Happy brought the two to Lucy's house. Since they were almost half asleep. As once as they got to Lucy's house they fell asleep on the couch together. Happy spent the night with Wendy and Carla. Mostly just to be with Carla.
The next morning

Lucy's eyes fluttered open from the sunlight that entered her room. Natsu was beside Lucy with his arms wrapped around her. She remembered everything from last night. She giggled at the thought of Wendy and Romeo's reactions. Yesterday was just the party but today was Christmas. "Natsu! Natsu wake up!" She said pushing Natsu's face. "Hmm? Yeah yeah I'm up. What happened last night?" "We got drunk Natsu. Anyway, it's Christmas! What're we gonna do for today?" Lucy said cheerfully. Natsu then gave his signature grin. "A surprise! Here's your gift by the way," and he handed a small box wrapped with yellow and red rapping paper. "Awe. Thanks Natsu," Lucy said and opened it. It was a golden star bracelet with a key like a celestial one but with a fire symbol. "I have one too. So we can match!" He grinned again and showed his bracelet. It was leather instead and had a flame with a key like Lucy's but a star symbol. "Here's my gift!" And she handed Natsu her gift. It was motion sick pills. "This is the best gift I've ever gotten! Say, can I get some more on my birthday?" Lucy laughed and nodded. Natsu hugged her and said, "I love you Luce. You're the best girlfriend a guy with motion sickness can ask for!" "I love you too. Now what was your surprise for me?" "We're going on a date! Now go get ready. I'll wait for you at the train station okay? Bye!" Natsu said and jumped out the window.

Lucy dressed into her usual clothes. A blue and white crop top, blue sleeves, black mini skirt and boots. She wore her hair down instead for today. She looked at the bracelet she was given and admired its beauty. She walked out the house and to the train station. It felt like there were butterflies taking over her stomach. It was a tingling feeling to be this loved. Her smile was brighter than ever. It seemed like it was going to snow. I can handle the cold, Lucy thought and kept going. She thought no need for a jacket. When she got to the train station Natsu greeted her with a grin. "We're going to Fiore! I heard there'll be fireworks at the castle. Including a festival." "Cool! Are Erza and Gray coming too?" "Nope! Just the two of us."
At the Castle of Fiore

By the time they arrived it was already night. "Wow! The Christmas tree looks beautiful!" Lucy said and gazed upon the tree. Not as beautiful as you... Natsu thought. They rode a few rides and Natsu was happy to ride one for once because of the pills. At the end of the day they sat in the garden of flowers and watched as the fireworks extinguished their beauty. The didn't say a word to each other. They just admired the scene.
    "I love you Luce. And I always will."

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