Mission with Natsu

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Time skip next week and Lucy POV

"So how about we do a mission Natsu?" Happy asks. "We can bring Luce too!" Natsu says. They both walk up to me and ask in unison "Can you please--" before they finish I say "ok sure! I'll go on a mission with you guys!"

Night time and they set up camp

"Well we didn't plan this too well. Happy only packed a tent that fits only him and I only packed a tent for two a bit. I didn't think we would have to spend a night. But you can sleep in my tent if you want Lucy. It looks like it's gonna rain soon anyway so you have no choice!" Natsu says with a little smirk at the end. "Ugh fine...WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING NATSU?!?!" I say yelling the last part. "I don't like to sleep with my vest on. It doesn't feel comfortable. Anyway just get in" he says and I go in. I lie down and fall asleep under the blanket...

Natsu POV

I go inside the tent to see Lucy sound asleep. She looks so peaceful. I lie down next to her and see that she was shivering. Looks like it's starting to rain. I pull her closer to me and hug her close to my chest. I hope one day I could tell you how much I love you Luce...

Sorry it's short! I couldn't think of anything else to go with it!

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