4. Don't mess with Chance

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Ivan's Pov

"we'll talk about this tomorrow" Chance yells to Paige as she stormed up the stairs. She ignored him. I couldn't believe how tense thing got between the two of them. 

"Ivan" Chance says with a serious face. "Yes?" I replied, looking puzzled. 

Chance moves forward, standing only inches away from me and grabs the front of my hoodie, slightly pulling my feet off the ground. "Ivan, what were you doing with her, huh?", "pizza, like she said we were just getting pizza, nothing happened!" I lied. Chance narrowed his eyes at me and then fiercely replied "your damn right nothing happened, and I'm gonna make sure nothing f*cking ever happens between you and Paige, or Paige and any other f*cking guy in the Team 10 house". He pauses, ..."you understand that?" he screams. "yeah, I.. uh.. I understand" I yelp. "Great" he puts me down and then furiously climbs up the stairs.

What just happened? We've been friends for months, he knows I'm a good guy. What's the problem with me dating his sister? Now if I tried anything with Paige he would kill me, which sucks because being with her tonight was amazing and I don't want to give that up, but now I have to.

Paige's Pov

08:15 AM Tuesday, I lay in bed thinking about last night, it was amazing. I can't believe how well things went between me and Ivan. Our kiss.. was perfect. Although the way Chance treated me last night was really annoying and embarrassing, I know I should have expected it. He has always been so protective of me when it came to boys, even when we were just friends. 

I couldn't wait to see Ivan today, just thinking about him made my stomach feel like it was filled with a bazillion butterflies. I jump out of bed, quickly change into my clothes and then dash out of our bedroom door after saying good morning to Tessa. I was in a great mood today. I waltz into the kitchen where Nick, Jake, Emilio and Erika were and greet them with a cheerful "Good Morning". I stayed talking to them for a bit until I saw Ivan on the couch in the living room on his phone, looking super cute. I walk over and sit down next to him, I take his hand and start to intertwine his fingers with mine.. but he pulls his hand away. Why? I ask myself. I looked up to him with a puzzled expression across my face, but he just goes back to is phone, ignoring me.

"what's up?" I asked concerned. "not much" he responds plainly. "Really?" I ask, not accepting his answer, "mmm-hmm" this time he doesn't even look up from his phone to respond. "ok." I respond quietly as I step away and feel my eyes starting to hurt a little from holding back a few tears.

I thought last night would have meant something to him but apparently not, apparently it was.. just another night to him.

Ivan's Pov

"ok" she said as she walked away.

The thought of her being upset because of me, was awful. I didn't want to distance myself from her, but what else could I have done. If I had decided to date her anyway, Chance would eventually find out and beat the living sh*t out of me as well as probably finding a way to kick me out of Team 10.

A few minutes later Emilio came up to me "what's going on with you and Paige?", Emilio already knew that I liked Paige but I hadn't got the chance to talk to him since yesterday so I told about everything that happened last night and this morning. 

"You're being a p*ssy dude" he bluntly stated. "well I don't want to get my ass kicked and I especially don't want to be kicked out Team 10" I exclaimed. "That's only if Chance found out.. which he won't and even if he did yeah.. you might get your ass kicked but, why would you think you'd be kicked out of Team 10?" he attested. "I'm not sure, but I know if I dated his sister and Chance found a way to kick me out, he would." I cried. "well like I said.. that's not going to happen!

Emilio didn't convince me. I couldn't risk it just to be with Paige, even though I wanted to.

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