7. Are You Jealous?

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Paige's Pov

When we all got in the limo I sat down next to Emilio, "you still down to go along with our plan?" I whisper into his ear. "yeah, let's do this" he giggled as he shook his head. I was nervous to execute our plan but also strangely excited. The only thing that could completely mess this up for me is if Chance notices me and Emilio flirting, but I'm hoping he'll be distracted by Tessa for most of the night.

09:26 PM, We walk into the nightclub, Emilio followed close behind me while resting his hand on the lower of my back. Ivan was behind us, I could feel him staring at us; he was annoyed. We went inside, placed our belongings in the locker room and the team separated, most went to the dance floor. The rest of us; me, Emilio, Ivan, and Kade went a V.I.P area reserved for Team 10. The table was filled with alcohol even though half of the team wasn't legal to drink.

We sit down, me and Emilio opposite of Ivan. Emilio puts his hand on my waist with a firm grip, Ivan's face grows red and he clenches his jaw. I bring my lips to Emilio's ear and whisper "it's working!" with a giggle. Emilio slightly laughs while moving his hand from my waist to my thigh, just before my knee although slowly making it's way higher. Ivan ,clearly agitated takes a vibrantly blue shot from the table and swallows it without hesitation. I was stunned as I knew neither of the twins had drank a day in their lives! Emilio's hand had reached the edge of my skirt, Ivan's eyes were focused angrily on Emilio's hand and then Ivan snapped.

Ivan slams his shot glass down onto the table, standing up. "Eres un pedazo de mierda" he shouts at Emilio and he then tore off to the locker room. "what did he just say to you" I ask, "he called me a piece of shit" Emilio laughed. I rise from our seat, leaving Emilio and Kade and head towards the locker room in search of Ivan.

Ivan's Pov

FUCK, I FUCKING HATE THIS! Emilio fucking knew I fucking liked Paige, he knew that, but he went after Paige anyway? In front of me! What a fucking Dick! If Paige hadn't of been there I would have attacked him. The sight Emilio's hand all the way up on Paige's thigh made me explode. I was furious, I knew If I stayed there that I'd do something I regret so I left, I went to the locker room.

I was banging against the metal lockers with my bare fists to release my anger. "raaaaaaagh!!" I let out in frustration as I felt my hands growing sore. "Hey, stop you're going to hurt yourself" she said softly as she took my fist into her hands. I look into her deep blue eyes "just go, you don't have to pretend to care about me, just go back to Emilio"I said coarsely although I wanted her to stay. She raises her hand to my cheek, "Paige..." I say as I wipe her hand away but she Interrupts me by putting her lips on mine. I kiss her back hungrily, me grabbing her side and her gripping onto my neck. She moves in closer and then I come to my senses and I pull away "Paige, you can't just be all over Emilio and then expect me not to be bothered by it" I say getting annoyed again. She sort of laughed and then replied "Ivan.. I was never interested in Emilio, ...I asked him if he'd help me make you jealous so that you'd grow the balls to ignore chances 'rules'

I had know idea how to respond to that, part me was offended, another part relieved that Emilio didn't betray me but mostly I was turned on. I mean Paige was all I could think about this week and damn she was so, so fucking hot and now...now I just didn't care about Chance or his stupid fucking 'rules'.

Paige's Pov

The cold tile of the locker room left my body chilly. From in here you could still hear the thundering music and the shouts of the crowd, it was just muffled. I observed Ivan as he made sense of the situation, his back settled against the lockers as he came to a calm and his breathing steadied. His fingers laced together, his eyes turned up to the ceiling and then to me. A mischievous smirk growing and his eyes glazed over in lust, he was craving me, my touch.

I stand up from the ground and face the lockers, my back to Ivan. I raise my hand to a locker, feeling it's cool demeanor.                                                  Two hands, strong with a powerful grip attach themselves to my back just before my hips, his fingertips cold. I could feel my skin tingle all over and my heart racing. His hands slowly and delicately rising up my spine, his soft lips on my neck, gently kissing from my collar bone to my jawline. I turn around and put my lips on his, feeling all the fireworks in my stomach again. He kisses me back, eagerly while keeping a tight hold on my waist. He pins me against the lockers, not breaking the kiss until he moves back to my neck although this time he's lightly sucking instead of kissing. It felt incredible, but I could't get a hickey tonight, at least not somewhere Chance could see it "Ivan.. do you know what would happen if Chance saw me with a hickey?" I said with a giggle and a smirk. "I can imagine" Ivan chuckled while he leaned in for another kiss and of course I kiss back, our lips moving in sync once again. I quickly turn my head when I hear someone sneezing just across from us; worried that someone had caught us red handed but soon recognize it was just two strangers. I look to Ivan who seemed just as concerned. We look to each other and laugh, glad that our actions had not yet reached their consequences.

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