Chapter 1: Living at the Farmland

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September 1, 1985

There was a married couple: Laney and Marty Orestes who are expecting their first child together, that the child is a boy. They moved to a farmland to start a new life, they started their farming business. They have 6 horses and 3 foals, 3 cows, 5 sheep, 4 pigs, 3 llamas, and 4 goats.

Marty uses the ride on lawn mower to cut the grass, while a fully pregnant Laney is harvesting fruits and vegetables. When Laney goes inside the house, she washes the two cabbages out, so the parasites will go away. Laney cuts the cabbages into pieces with a knife to make a salad. She puts them into the large bowl, she washes out the tomatoes and cuts them, and placed them on the cabbages in the bowl as well.

This Evening before Nightfall after she makes salad, Laney and Marty sits down at the table, say their graces, and then eat. While eating dinner, Laney's water had broken and Marty panickedly takes Laney to the hospital.

As they made it to the hospital, the delivery surgeons take Laney to the delivery room, and Marty calls his and Laney's families and tells them that Laney is in labor.

While Laney is in the delivery room and Marty is already wearing a surgeon suit and watches over Laney, she gives birth to a healthy baby boy and named him Joey after her grandfather who recently died of lung cancer since she was 13 years old.

After Laney gave birth to Joey, Laney's sister named Lena and Lena's daughter Christie came by to see her, Marty, and baby Joey. Lena bought baby clothes for Joey, Christie bought it's a boy balloons.

Hey, I heard you had a baby boy. What's the baby's name?" said Lena. "Joey, Joey Nikolai Orestes." said Laney, saying her firstborn son's full name. "That's very a nice, handsome name." said Lena.

5 days later in September 6, 1985... Laney, Marty and their 5 day old son arrived back home, they had Joey's nursery room that was made by Marty's uncle and his brother.

"Wow, this nursery room is beautiful. I love it." said Laney. "Me, too, love. Thanks to my uncle and my brother who made this nursery room for us and our baby boy, Joey." said Marty. "Look, Joey, there's your beautiful room. Your great uncle and your uncle made it for you." said Laney to baby Joey.

Laney smiled at Marty, Marty smiled back. Laney puts Joey in a baby crib and gives him a kiss on a forehead. Joey goes to sleep.

"Want some blueberry pancakes in the morning, love?" said Laney. "Sure." said Marty. Laney and Marty goes to the kitchen to cook blueberry pancakes while their son is asleep.

After breakfast, Marty goes to the pet store while Laney stays behind to take care of their son Joey.

"Hello, do you have any husky dogs around here?" said Marty. "Sure we do, wanna look around?" said the pet store manager. "Yes, sir." said Marty. "OK, follow me." said the pet store manager.

The pet store manager guides Marty to the Siberian husky dogs spot, there are 6 Siberian Huskies in different colors at the Husky spot.

"We have the 2 brown Siberian Husky puppies, the 2 black ones, and 2 white ones. How many puppies would you like to pick?" said the pet store manager. "I will like to get 2 white Husky puppies and 1 black Siberian Husky puppy." said Marty. "Three puppies?" said the pet store manager. "Yep." said Marty. "That will be 15 dollars." said the pet store manager. "Got it." said Marty.

Marty pulled out 15 dollars from his wallet and gives it to the pet store manager, Marty got the three husky dogs.

"Have a good day." said the pet store manager. "You, too." said Marty as he leaves with the three dogs. Marty gave three dogs their names: Milo, Ryan, and Amethyst.

11 years later in June 13, 1996... It was an eleven-year old Joey's last day of school, he passed 4th grade, he makes contacts to his elementary school friends, and Marty and Laney had their second child that is a baby girl who is born yesterday. They named her Evangelina the name after Marty's sister who died of a stroke last year.

After Lena takes Joey home early from his last day of school, Joey enjoys playing with Milo, Ryan, and Amethyst while his father takes care of baby Evangelina and his mother makes lunch. Marty gives Evangelina a doll that was given by Lena, Evangelina hugs her new doll.

This Evening... Marty and Laney goes to their friends' party, while Lena and Christie babysits Joey and Evangelina.

Joey plays with Evangelina, he makes her laugh by making silly faces, and was being very nice to her. "Your big brother will make you a lot happier, I will be the best big brother ever." said Joey to Evangelina.

Evangelina smiled at Joey, Joey began to tickle her to make her laugh. Lena watches Joey being nice to Evangelina with a tearful smile on her face.

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