Chapter 4: Where are you Now?

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The Next Morning in September 22, 2007... Joey and his siblings woke up, Joey stood up from his bed, and he walked around to search for their father. Joey goes to the kitchen, finds a note, and then reads it. After reading the note that was written by Marty, he realizes that his and his siblings' father is missing. Evangelina came by to see Joey after she searches for their father.

"Joey, where's Daddy?" asked Evangelina as their triplet siblings came by. "Our dad is missing, he might have been away last night after our mom died." said Joey. "So, what should we do when Dad is missing." said Evangelina. "I'll call our uncle to know that our dad is missing, so that he'll be able to call the police. After I called our uncle, I'll cook some breakfast for us. Everything's gonna be alright, OK?" said Joey. "OK. Oscar, Alexandria, and Courtney, why don't you three play with your toys for a while until the breakfast is ready, OK." said Evangelina. "OK." said Alexandria.

Alexandria, Oscar, and Courtney went to their room to play with their toys, while Joey calls their uncle. Evangelina pulled out a bottle of water and drinks it.

After they ate breakfast, the cop told Joey that he and the other officers will find Marty as soon as possible. "Don't worry, young man. We'll find you father soon, OK?" Said the cop. "OK." said Joey. "Have a good day, kids." said the cop as he leaves. "You, too." said Joey. "So, what did he say?" said Oscar. "He said that they're gonna find our dad. I want you to play with Alex and Courtney, OK?" said Joey as he comforts his one of his triplet siblings, Oscar. "OK." said Oscar before he leaves to play with Alexandria and Courtney. Joey remembers his father's words last night, he said to him take care of the triplets and Evangelina.

Joey was wondering where did their father go last night, he wonders: Did he went to work that late or he go long distance from him and his siblings.

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