Chapter 2- Tenebrae

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I hoped I could trust Nox. He scared me, though. He could have lied to me. He might have taken a very stupid chance that worked. I might be foolish to trust him, but there was something about him. Something about him was true and noble.
      He slowly drank his tea as I watched him. Nox was tall. A few inches taller than me and I'm pretty tall for a woman. He was of respectable build. He had the body of knight. His skin was tan, but not from the sun. It was natural, like those from Cransatea. His eyed were the color of russet and his hair was dark brown. The way he had ordered me to show myself in the courtyard led me to believe he was a man of authority.  Though, right now, he was crumbling.
      It must have been slightly traumatizing to not be able to remember. I probably hadn't helped at all with the way I reacted to his sword. I was just scared. I hated the Sons of Alques. They killed my parents and took my kingdom.
      "You mentioned that you were the queen of a kingdom, I don't remember the name, but I was wondering if you could elaborate on that." Nox's voice drew me from my thoughts. Out of all the questions he could have asked I wouldn't have expected that.
     "We live in the realm of Oakley and the realm is made up of three kingdoms." I began. "Those kingdoms are Cransatea, Satina and Lastenia, which is my homeland."
     Nox drank all of this information in. "Where are we now?" He questioned.
"We are right between Satina and Lastenia." was my reply. "Both of the kingdoms have been taken over by the Sons. Cransatea is all that's left."
     Nox scratched his brown hair. "You also mentioned that your parents were killed after you were coronated, but why were you coronated at such a young age if your parents were living?" He inquired. He sure did have a lot of questions.
      "In the realm, royal children are allowed to be coronated once they come of age even if the parents are still alive. It allows them time as the King or Queen to be under the vision and advice of their parents, but still having control." I explained. "All royal children have the choice. Both I and the King of Satina chose it and it ended horribly. On the other hand, the prince of Cransatea did not chose it and has not and he's much older than I." I divulged. "Though, Prince Disaris of Cransatea has helped the fallen kingdoms multiple times." I added.
      Once again Nox looked confused. I honestly couldn't believe I was telling him all of this. It wasn't smart. "Disaris created an army. And he took me in when I needed it." I bit my lip as I thought of Disaris. The thought of him always had me weak at the knees. But no one could ever know. I would feel incredibly silly if I were to say it out loud.
     "Actually I was just heading back to the army's hideout when I ran across you." I added. "I have nothing important to do here so I decided it was time for me to help the army."
     Nox pondered all this. "May I accompany you? I have no where else to go and I could join the army." I was surprised by his proposition.
     "You can come only if you're up to the task. It is not an easy trip." I warned.
Nox smiled. "When do we leave?"

As I got ready for bed I was still thinking about Nox. I was terrified of being betrayed, but this was a risk I felt I needed to take. I couldn't let the Sons find him. They had enough elves as it is. I needn't let another fall into their hands.
      It took me too long to fall asleep. I knew I had quite the journey ahead. It was a hard road to the hideout. Not mention, you have to go on foot. Nox would only make it harder, but, perhaps, worth it.
      He could be extremely useful. There was something powerful about him. I could feel it. Part of it might have been from the way his memory was taken or his sword, but both of those suggest that he was more than he seems.
      Finally, I fell asleep, but it had been a fitful night. I don't know when the last time I had a good nights sleep was, but I didn't expect it anytime soon.
     I woke before dawn and quickly dressed. I donned a man's clothing today.  A dress was not practical for travel. I wore black leather pants and a stony gray tunic. I slipped my sturdy ashen boots on. A click reached my ears as I placed my belt around my waist. I quickly braided back my hair and twisted it into a bun. I placed my silver hair piece on my head before going to wake Nox up.
       I climbed up to his small bedroom to find him sprawled out on the floor shirtless. I have no idea how he was asleep. There was no blanket on him and it was quite cool. I placed my hand on his muscular back and shook him. He woke.
    "What are you doing on the floor?" I asked him as he got up.
He stretched and rubbed his back. "I couldn't sleep on the bed and found that I find floors to be more comfortable." He replied.
     "Without a blanket? You must have been freezing." I exclaimed. Nox just shrugged. I rolled my eyes. "Get dressed," I ordered, "We're leaving as soon as possible."
     Nox put his shirt that he was wearing yesterday back on. His dark hair was messy and his eyes were tired. He was ready within five minutes.
    We climbed down the tree and I led the way into the woods. When we came to a stream I walked along it, but against the current. The stream fed into a river. The river which divided Lastenia from Satina. And this river led to the lake in the middle of the kingdoms. It was the easiest navigation tool there was.
    The problem was that you couldn't stay close to it without running into people. That is the last thing I wanted to do. I was on wanted posters for goodness sake. Nox and I traipsed through the forest. It had been an hour or so when Nox stopped.
       Nox leaned over and placed his hands on his knees. "Can we get water or something?" He said breathlessly.
    I rolled my eyes and threw him a canteen. He caught it and began to drink deeply. I took a few sips. Soon we continued on. This would be so much easier if I were alone. I could be come a shadow and move quicker.
     At the end of the day we reached the most treacherous stretch of the journey. "We stop here." I stated. Nox brushed the sweat off of his forehead as he took a seat on the ground.
    "How much farther?" He questioned. I could tell he was tired.
"Another mile or so before we reach the lake and I don't know after that. It just depends on who we find." I answered.
   I grabbed my bag and removed so cheese and jerky. Not much, but enough. Nox and I ate in silence. Once we were done I stood up.
     "I'll stay up and watch for any threats. You get some sleep." I commented.
"No, I'll do it. You don't ha-,"
   "You're tired and trust me you need rest. Besides if you weren't here I would've kept going. I'll be fine." I cut him off.
    Nox looked a little dejected, but he laid down to rest anyway. Once his breathing became regular and began to explore. If you can call it that. I've been here many times and I love the area. I found myself at the edge of our next obstacle.
      There was a small drop off before you hit the carpet of kudzu that lay a hundred feet above the ground. No one has ever fallen through and lived to tell the tale. I have always wanted to know what lies beneath the ivy, but I have yet to become willing to lose my life for it.
       There were no trees above it so I could see the sky. I loved looking at the stars. They were enchanting. The next thing I knew, Nox was shaking me awake. It was dawn. I cursed.
       "I have never seen someone keep watch so well." Nox started in a joking manner. "Teach me your ways."
      I rolled my eyes as I got to my feet. "Shut up," I said, punching him in the arm. Nox just laughed.
      "Is this our next challenge?" He asked with a smile. He was awfully perky for it being so early.
    "Yeah," I sighed.
"So, do you want to eat before or after we cross?" Nox smirked.

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