Chapter 7- Nox

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When I woke up Tenebrae was sitting on the sofa drinking tea. Her eyes were cloudy and there were dark circles under them. I sat down on the opposite side of the couch. I wanted to keep my distance after last night.

I had let myself believe for a little while that Tenebrae might actually be starting to like me, but she got so excited when I told her that Disaris was jealous. My heart had dropped when she smiled.

"Good morning, Nox." Tenebrae greeted me.

"Good morning,"

"Did you sleep well?" She continued the conversation.

I nodded. "What about you?" I asked.

"I didn't sleep." Tenebrae stated simply.

"Why not?" I inquired.

She rubbed her eye and pushed her hair back. "I didn't sleep because my mind has a scary capability of being dark and demented."

"You're scared of your dreams?" I guessed.

"Yeah," Tenebrae sighed.

"I understand. No one likes nightmares." I said with a fake smile. I hated that it was fake. I just wasn't in a good mood and all I could think about was last night.

"Are you okay, Nox?" Tenebrae sounded worried.

I ran my fingers through my hair. "Yeah, why do you ask?" I was irritated and my tone showed it

"I don't know, you've just seemed more uncomfortable since last night." Tenebrae offered. "Was it something Disaris said?"

I snorted. "Yeah, maybe." I was just a tad passive aggressive.

Tenebrae gave me a look. She could hear the distain in my voice. I hated Disaris.

"Just ignore him. He's a good guy, but he's feeling a lot of pressure right now. He's planning on becoming king soon and he's already training an army." She was taking up for him. She was too good for him.

Tenebrae may have been through a lot, but she was still a child at heart. Someday she's have to grow up and see that not everyone is good. Even though that would mean that she could no longer trust me. I couldn't even trust myself.

"Yeah, that's a lot for a guy. Though a king should be able to manage all that." I regretted saying that the moment I said it. "I'm sorry, that was an inappropriate thing to say."

"It's fine," Tenebrae looked bothered slightly. "He's been rude to you." Her voice was quieter than normal.

There was a knock at the door and Tenebrae got up to get it. Her gray dress flowed along with her movements. It look like it was made of fine linen. I heard her open the door and a few whispers. Tenebrae walked back into the room. She had some clothes in her left hand.

"We are to meet Disaris half an hour. The volunteers from the village will be here soon and before they get here he wants to go over a few things." Her voice was very business like. "I suggest you get dressed in these." Tenebrae handed me a bundle of clothes that she got from whoever was at the door.

I went to my room and dressed in the black leather pants and maroon shirt. I was wearing the colors of Cransatea. I noticed a the wardrobe in the corner of my room. I opened it and looked through it's contents. I found a faded black shirt. It was almost the gray that Tenebrae was wearing. I put it on. It was the perfect size. I put on my worn boots.

I met Tenebrae in the parlor. She smirked at my clothes. "Let's go," She ordered.

We met Disaris in a stone fortress near the tunnel. WHen he saw my clothes I could tell that he was not as amused as Tenebrae was. He kept glaring at me but I'm sure that was for multiple reaSon's.

"Tomorrow we will travel to our military base. Then we will begin training. Tena will train with her fellow elves and you," Disaris nodded at me, "Will be her student." He looked at me as if that was supposed to bother me. It didn't. "At least for half the day. The other half will be training with my men. You will also sleep in the barracks with them. No more cozy cottages with Tena."

I snorted. Tenebrae rolled her eyes. "And where will Tena be staying?" I said with fake enthusiasm.

"I'm sure you'd like to know." Disaris hissed. "But she can stay wherever she would like. I do know that there is extra room in my house." I wanted to punch the smirk off his face.

"Your house or your bed?" I muttered under my breath.

"Excuse me?" Disaris challenged.

"Nothing," I smirked. He was so mad, but Tenebrae just sat there and blushed.

"Anyways," Disaris continued, "You both will need to be fitted for armor and weaponry. I believe that is all. If you have any questions ask away." His smile was so fake.

Neither of us did. Eventually Tenebrae left to go somewhere and I was left alone with the prince that hated my guts.

"So, what were you up to with Tena last night?" He asked as casually as he could. Which wasn't casual, it was just mean.

"We just talked like friends do. There wasn't yelling involved like there is with you two." I disclosed.

"There wouldn't be yelling if it wasn't for you." Disaris spat.

I chuckled, "Tena wouldn't have cried last night if it wasn't for you."

His eyes went wide. "She cried?"


"Why would she cry over that?" He asked, his tone suddnely serious, and for once, sincere.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that if you're going to act so jealous you just need to go ahead and tell her how you feel so you can stop having all these problems." I huffed and stormed out of the room. I bumped into Tenebrae as she walked into the room.

That was a stupid thing to say. It was probably going to make things worse. Disaris and Tenebrae would confess their love and then Disaris would still be worried about Tenebrae and I, but he would actually have a reason to be. But Tenebrae would be happy. So would Disaris, but I don't really care about him.

After a few minutes I walked back into the room, because I had no where else to go. Tenebrae was glowing. I knew where she was going to be staying once we got on base. Disaris began to talk about things that had happened since Tenebrae was last at the base and I just tuned them out. I wished I was alone. People took away so much energy.

Eventually Disaris's men and the new recruits arrived. They were all incredibly tired, but that night they all had the energy to go to a local tavern. We all went.

Tenebrae went back to our cottage to change. She came back in dress made with different shades of green. She was beautiful. The colors accented her eyes and her bright lips stood out. Her black hair hung loose and was past her waist. Disaris was a lucky guy. I do believe he ended up with the most beautiful woman in the realm.

The tavern was a very lively place. There was a fiddle player and a pianist. The music had most people on their feet. There were many people at the bar with mugs of ale. Most of us sat down but when what sounded like a sailor's waltz came on Tenebrae pulled the nearest person to their feet. It happened to be me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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